The adventure begins

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My name is Autumn Lily Moon, I am 26 years olds and I have a younger sister named Crystal Wild Moon. I have dark brown eyes while she has hazel eyes. She is 25 years old. We are 18 months apart and classified as Irish twins. We look almost identical anyway so we mostly go with the flow when needed, like if one of us needs information about the other and the person can't give to the other because of certain laws, then we will pretend to be the other to help each other out. Most people assume we are twins anyway. We correct them because Crystal doesn't like to be called twins when we are not.
    Anyway, I recently found out that I need an epi-pen for a mystery allergy ( we don't know the specific allergy). Crystal and I were walking around town and we stopped to rest for a bit because it was a very hot day. I went into a nearby cafe to get a couple of ice water for us, I gave one to Crystal and drank the other one. After drinking our water, we continued our walk. All of a sudden we were surrounded by a bright light when the light faded. We were in a medieval courtroom with 7 big chairs in a row under a big chair that looked like the chief judge's seat. When we were standing next to each other Crystal on the right and myself on the left we started to look around in awe at the room. When we heard a voice from behind say, "My Lord, what should we do? I didn't mean to bring the extra." at a booming volume to people we could not see in front of us. We turned to see who spoke so fast that we conked our heads together and fell to the floor laughing so hard. We suddenly hear a deep laugh along with ours, and look up to the area where the booming voice came from to see a butler-type person with black to teal ombre hair. He was looking at us with laughter sparkling in his eyes. We then hear a 'THWACK' sound and somebody says, "Ow. Hey, what d'ya do that for?" Crystal and I laughed harder at the fact that somebody got hit. I forgot to mention that our sense of humor runs in the family. If somebody gets hurt we start to laugh hysterically, while trying to ask if they are alright. It gets us into lots of trouble all the time.
    Once we calmed our laughter to small giggles here and there, we heard a different voice than the two earlier. "No, it is fine Babatos, they can stay together. I think it will be entertaining to see what happens." The one who spoke just now stepped into the light so we could see him. He was tall with bright red hair and eyes of molten gold. He was really handsome. He started to spark again, he said, "Hello there, Ladies. My name is Lord Diavolo. Welcome to the Devildom, I am the crown Prince here and all here know of me.  We have brought you here to do a student exchange program with all three realms. I am hoping to build good relations with both the Celestial and Human realms. So, to do so I have started this program, we have sent 2 demons to the human realm and 2 demons to the Celestial realm. We also have 2 angels here and with you two we will now have 3 humans. The other human exchange student is a warlock. You will meet him eventually, but for now why don't we all introduce ourselves. As I said, I am Lord Diavolo. The one behind you two is my faithful friend and butler, Barbatos. The one coming right next to me is Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride and my right hand man as well. I will let him introduce you to himself and his 6 younger brothers." I looked at the man with black hair and red eyes as he spoke, "Yes as much as I don't want to, as Lord diavolo has said I am Lucifer, Avatar of Pride and I have 6 younger brothers. This is the second oldest of us, he is the Avatar of greed, Mammon, he governs and oversees all forms of it. He will be your guardian while you both are here." I look at my sister to see that she is looking at a spot on his face that looks like he was hit. Mammon starts to say, "What, why do I have to be their guardian?" Lucifer just ignores him as he introduces the next brother, "This is Leviathan, he is the Avatar of Envy. He is the third eldest of us. Next is Satan, he is the Avatar of wrath, he may look like a demon with a good head on his shoulders, but looks can be deceiving." As he said that I look at Crystal to see her deep in thought. I look back at Lucifer, as he starts to continue with introductions, "Then we have Asmodeus, he is the Avatar of Lust. He is the fifth eldest of us. Next is the twins, Beelzebub and Belphegor. Beelzubub is the Avatar of Gluttony." Just then Beelzebub said, "Lucifer, I'm hungry." Lucifer responded with "Too bad, now behave. He is the sixth eldest. Last but not least we have Belphegor, he is the Avatar of sloth. He is the seventh and youngest brother of us.
    Crystal and I looked back to Lord Diavolo as we asked at the same time, "Lord Diavolo, where are we going to stay while we are here?" All nine other people(sorry, Demons) looked at us in shock. Lord Diavolo is the first to shake out of it and say, "Well, you are going to stay with Lucifer and his brothers at the House of Lamentation. It is one of the dorms here at The Royal Academy of Diavolo, also known as RAD. After he said that we looked at each other having a mental conversation with our eyes, after a few moments we nodded to each other and said "OK."

Barbatos' POV
    After I finished with the summoning and the light died down I saw two young ladies who looked very similar. If you didn't look close enough you would have thought they were identical twins. I spoke to Lord Diavolo asking "My Lord, what should we do? I didn't mean to bring the extra." As I was asking this I seemed to startle the two girls, who ended up turning quickly to look in my direction and ended up hitting their heads together hard, falling to the floor while laughing very hard. I see the girl with the dark brown eyes look up at me and smile while laughing. I could tell that the one with hazel eyes was more protective of the one with brown eyes, but could not tell why. While they were laughing I heard the others softly chuckling at them.I then heard a deep laugh and looked over at the seven brothers in time to see Mammon get slapped by Lucifer. The two girls then laughed harder. I will have to look into these two I thought to myself before my Lord answered my question from before with, "No, it is fine Babatos, they can stay together. I think it will be entertaining to see what happens." I nod at him. Diavolo then does the whole intro speech for them. I was shocked just as the others were when at the end of Lucifer's introductions of his brothers and himself, they turned to look at Lord Diavolo and spoke at the same time, "Lord Diavolo, where are we going to stay while we are here?" When Diavolo said they were going to stay with the brothers, they looked at each other and after a few moments they nodded to each other. They said "OK." in sync again.
    I watched as they followed the brothers to the dorm as they had their heads close together and were talking in a secret language. I have heard of twin languages and twin telepathy before. But these two aren't even twins, they are 18 months apart if Autumn's file was correct. I will have to look at her file again and see if I can find her sister Crystal's file as well. I look over at Diavolo who is smiling jovially. He then says, "Barbatos, I think that the exchange program will be fun this time around. I wish to look through the files for Autumn and Crystal Moon, as well please. I think that it could be beneficial to do so."

The Adventures of Two Siblings in the Devildom!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon