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Everyone's bodies were collected, most of the heroes were safe and sound, however two remained critically wounded.

Sir Nighteye, and Psycho, also known as Elena Aizawa.


"We've run every possible scan on you, and we see nothing particularly wrong. Except with your arms." The doctor told Izuku as he sat on the bed. "What happened to your arms anyway?" The doctor asked.

"Sorry, but I'm honestly more concerned about the others.." Izuku said. "I've just seen..most of them." Aizawa said, his voice lower than usual as he walked into the room. Izuku smiled and looked at him. "Sensei! You're not hurt?!" Izuku asked in relief.

"I got a couple of stitches, is all. Come with me." Aizawa said as he walked out into the hall. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there when it...most counted." Aizawa apologized.

"That's fine! How is everyone else doing?" Izuku asked as he swore he saw something turn in Aizawa's eyes. "Kirishima's body is covered in extensive lacerations from the beating he took. But his life isn't in danger." Aizawa explained.

"Amajiki got his face split open, but there should be no lasting damage." He continued. "Fat gum is in high spirits despite multiple fractures. And fortunately the knife didn't hit any of Rock Lock's vitals so he'll live through." He continued explaining as Izuku smiled.

"As for little Eri. She's still sleeping. And her fever hasn't gone down. So they're keeping her in isolation right now." Aizawa said as his voice almost trailed off.

As they walked, silence hit. "And Elena? How is she..?" Izuku asked, stopping in his tracks. Aizawa stopped in front of Midoriya. Refusing to turn around to look at him.

"She-...she's in surgery right now. They're highly unsure if she'll make it." Aizawa said, his voice almost cracking at the last words. Izuku's eyes widened before he looked at Aizawa. "We have some of the best healers in Japan helping her out right now. U.A is not letting a child, nonetheless as strong as Elena die. So all we can do is hope she comes through." Aizawa said, his head low.

"Look who just showed up." Aizawa said as Izuku looked ahead.

In front of him stood All Might, Bubble Girl, Centipeder.

And Katsuki.

Katsuki's eyes were red as his eyes hung low. "Kacchan? What-" Izuku began. "He wanted to see Elena. As for All Might and the others..." Aizawa said.

"Sir...All Might to him...was always.." Bubble Girl began, as tears slipped from her eyes. "There's nothing we could really do. It's honestly still a miracle he's breathing." The doctor said, referring to Sir Nighteye. Izuku's eyes widened.

"Recovery girl's healing won't do either. She's currently trying her best to keep Miss Aizawa alive." The doctor said as Katsuki looked with hate at Izuku.

He hadn't said a thing to anybody, ever since he witnessed Elena's lifeless body on television the day before. "Nighteye won't be able to make it..to...see tomorrow." The doctor explained.

"Bakugo, do you want to wait with me?" Aizawa asked. Katsuki nodded slowly and approached Aizawa. All Might, Izuku and the rest walked to Nighteye, while Katsuki and Aizawa went in the way of the waiting room. "Kid, I'm sure she'll make it through. She's been through a lot, in her life. Let's both believe in her, alright?" Aizawa said, not looking at Katsuki, but he spoke.

Katsuki nodded as he looked at the ground, his hands in his pockets. "I know she's strong. I do. But the thought of loosing the one person who understands me, scares the fuck out of me." Katsuki said as they sat down.

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