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—karl's POV—

Of course this had to happen.
Of course something had to mess up.

When the car stopped in the middle of this small road with no apparent reason I immediately questioned Sapnap with a look but he looked just as confused as me.

Then it hit us, of course we forgot to fill the car with gasoline when we were in the city. Now we're stuck on that small road, surrounded by forest, with no visible form of life except birds and squirrels for miles around. Perfect horror movie spot.

"Fuck." Was the first thing he said. And yeah, that was a pretty good 'fuck' moment.

"What do we do then?" I asked, the most softly possible. Listen, Sapnap is the sweetest guy ever but when he's stressed he can be kind of a bitch. And a mad Sapnap is really not something I wanna add on my anxiety right now.

He stays silent.

"Sap..? What do we do now?"
Maybe i should shut up now, maybe I should have shutted up when he first didn't answer me. Maybe I should learn to stop talking when I need to. Okay, stop talking now.

Still silent.

I hope I didn't make him mad by asking again. Maybe I'm overreacting, maybe he just doesn't know what the fuck to do either. I'm overthinking again, omg shut up Karl, shut the fuck up.

I stay silent too. Intensely watching my knees.

1 minutes.

Breathe, Karl.

2 minutes.

One thing you can see. The road. One thing you can touch. The passenger seat im in right now. One thing you can smell. It smells like rain, kinda. I mean, it smells like forest OF COURSE IT DOES. Calm down Karl. One thing you can hear. I don't know, I don't know, silence? I DONT KNOW, I don't hear anything.

3 minutes. Breathe, Karl.

Calm down, Karl. It's okay.


I jump when I hear Sapnap's voice, cutting trough the silence.

"Are you okay?"
I relax when I realize his voice is filled with worry and softness, not the anger I thought it would have.

'Are you okay.' Am I okay? Not really, I mean, we're stuck on a goddamn Stephen King kind of road in the middle of nowhere with nowhere to actually go, if we even get out of here.

So of course, I answer;
"yeah, don't worry."

Small smile.

"Okay so we have two options here and one of them is clearly better than the other." He says.
"First option, one of us goes on a walk and tries to find any form of civilisation around here and the other guards the car. Tho, one of us could get kidnapped and sold on the black market or become the kidnapper's personal slut or something."

I laugh a bit. He has this thing that can always make me laugh when nothing seems right. He makes things right.

"Second option is we both stay in this car, roll ourselves up in blankets and wait till someone passes by. Then we ask for help."

Yeah, that option sounds like right.

"The second one sounds like right" I say.

I look at him. He was already looking at me. Eye contact. Small smile.


He reaches the back of the car to take things like hoodies and hot blankets that he took from god for knows where.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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