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Hello! My name is Basil. I am know as a Animilistic. What's that? I can tell you all about it!

When people are born, they are either born as Human, or Animalistic; Omega, Beta and Alpha are also included. You can be born as any animal possible. You could be born as an Animalistic cat, Animalistic dog, etc etc. Of course there are different species of any animal AND insect. The most rarest Animalistic was since 1988, a koala Animalistic. Since then, whenever there would be a rare Animalist, the doctors that watches over that child will be forced to take them into a lock down. Luckily for me, I am Bunny Animalistic, so pretty common. To be exact: I am a American Fuzzy lop!

To development of becoming Alpha, etc is for everyone different. Some know it since they are 5, some since they are 15, but it will always come out. If you can't figure it out, going to the doctors while he takes blood samples is the easiest way. Thats what i did to find out im a Beta!!

Humans can't be Omega, Beta and Alpha; however, they are allowed to mate with Animalistics. It will be difficult for the other to get pregnant though, since the DNAs are pretty different to each other.

Thank you for listening and I hope you have fun with reading my life, while I go through Highschool!


The characters in the AU


Basil Peterson

Pronouns: He/ It

Sex: Male

Birthdate: 18th of February, 2006

Animalistic: Bunny

Breed: American Fuzzy Lop

Nationality: German

A/O/B: Beta


Sunny Suzuki

( すんよ すずき)

Pronouns: He/ Her

Sex: Male

Birthdate: 20th of July, 2005

Animalistic: Cat

Breed:Maine Coon

Nationality: Japanese

A/O/B: Alpha


Mari Suzuki

(まり すずき)

Pronouns: She/ Her

Sex: Female

Birthdate: 1st of March, 2003

Animalistic: Cat

Breed: Maine Coon

Nationality: Japanese

A/O/B: Beta


Kel Garcia

Pronouns: They/ Him

Sex: Male

Gender identity: Non- Binary

Birthdate: 11th of November, 2005

Animalistic: Dog

Breed: Golden Retriver

Nationality: Hispanic

A/O/B: Alpha


Henry Garcia

Sex: Male

Birthday: 1st of January, 2003

Animalistic: Dog

Breed: Bernese Mountain

Nationality: Mexican

A/O/B: Omega


Aubrey koslof

Sex: female

Birthday: 23st of May, 2006

Animalistic: Snake

Breed: Albino Cobra

Nationality: Russian

A/O/B: Alpha

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