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Dark woke up this morning feeling like absolute crap. But there was no way he was sick, right? Just an off day.

"Hh... HTCHXNT!!"


Okay. This was fine. Just one sneeze, right?


...Goddamn it.

Y/n heard and gently knocked on the door. "Dark? You alright?"

"D–uh... Yes! It's just... dust— HIZSCHIEW!!"

"Okay... I made pancakes!" Y/n called through the door.

"Oh, I'm not hungry right now! But thank you!"

"...If you say so." They walked away.

He blew his nose and got dressed, then came out of his room and ran into Google.

"Dark, is everything okay?"

"I'm fine." He glitched a little.

"Commencing scan."

"Don't you dare."

"Scan cancelled."

He sighed. "Thank you. Where's Y/n?"

"Y/n is downstairs eating waffles without abs."

"Waffles without— Pancakes?"


"...Oh. How long have you and Bing been arguing? You're repeating his memes."


"Right. I'm going downstairs." And he went.

There you guys go. Maybe I'll update my other stuff too. Who knows? Might be busy, though.

I am NOT Sick.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat