Movin Out (Marty's Song) (Chapter 10)

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"Confusing love and lovin' there is a difference, though bizzare." Stay With Me by Mikki Matsubara


Title is a reference to Anthony's Song by Billy Joel.

There'll probably be one more chapter or so of the character in New York after this, then back to business as usual. I have the next two chapters after that already written, (I have a rough plan for this story, and the next few I was very excited to write) so look forward to those, they're some of my favorites.

Also, quick guide to Marty's family ages

Valerie- mother (54)
Rick- father (died at 53, 2 years older than Valerie. Would be 56 at the time of this fic)
Louis- eldest brother (37)
Peter- second eldest (35)
Layla- older sister, twin (32)
Nancy- older sister, twin (32)
Janet- older sister (25)
Marty- youngest (20)


When Marty and Santana got off the plane, and made their way through the airport, there was only thing Marty could think. That he was glad they were on stable ground again. The entire flight, he'd gripped the pillarman's hand in a death grip, nervously looking out the window. Luckily, no one commented on it, the late hour of their red-eye flight meaning most around them were asleep.

Santana, while having been tense for the first hour or so, calmed somewhat quickly. He spent most of the flight assuaging Marty's worries that they'd crash, and gazing out the window in wonder. The man was extremely grateful for Santana's comfort during the flight, and thanked him profusely.

They'd just gotten their luggage when a voice called out to them.

"Marty! Over here mio amico!"

Said man immediately turned toward the noise, and began running full speed at its source. With a giant grin on his face, he lifted the speaker off their feet in a spin.

"Suzie! Oh, it's so good to see you!"

The two laughed, and after being set down, shared one last quick hug before separating. One of Marty's hands still rested on her shoulder, as he chatted amicably.

"It's so great to see you in person Suz, how ya been?"

Suzie nodded in affirmative, before responding to the last part of his sentence.

"I've been great Marty. New York is so lively and interesting. It's like there's something new everyday! And Joseph is amazing, he's such a wonderful man."

Marty nodded faux seriously, taking on a "stern" expression.

"That's good, because if you'd said any different, I was gonna kick his ass."

Marty finished his statement with an over the top pose, eyes closed, one hand on his hip, and the other arm flexing. Suzie giggled at the display, covering her mouth slightly with her hand. The moment was interrupted when Marty felt a presence behind him. Looking, his face once more broke out into a grin.

"Ah, 'Tanna! There you are. Sorry for taking off on ya, I was just excited to see my friend again."

Suzie was met with the sight of the giant man, holding both their luggage with one hand. He towered over Marty, his face neutral. Red eyes seeming to glow in the shadow of what Suzie recognized as one of Marty's spare hats. Despite the cold weather, he only wore a button up, one of his suspenders having fallen off his massive shoulder to hang near his pants.

Marty didn't seem fazed by this rather intimidating figure, instead chatting up a storm to him. While the man simply nodded along. He didn't respond, and his face didn't change, but it was obvious his full attention was on Marty in front of him.

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