Chapter 1

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TW: DubCon, Smut

Mondo didn't like being disturbed when he's busy doing something. People knew this, so they would never reach out to him if it was not absolutely necessary. There was a single exception to this rule, that being that his Kyodai could bother him whenever he damn well pleased, but Mondo knew he wouldn't. He was usually too busy himself to disturb others, so it was an emergency by default were he to reach out.

This is why he was particularly annoyed when his phone rang while he was in the gym with Chihiro. They had been training together to work up their strength. Huffing, he put down the weights he was holding and grabbed the device.

Unknown Number


Despite his annoyance he still accepted the call.

"Who are ya and what the fuck do ya want?"

"Ah, Owada-san." A woman's voice called out from the other side of the line. "I wasn't sure you would pick up. My name is Mahiru Koizumi, from class 77. I was calling you concerning a classmate of yours."

"For that kinda stuff ya gotta be with Taka. He handles that shit." He was the class representative for a reason.

"Ah, well, I would, but it concerns Ishimaru-san." Those words do get his attention. "He- Well, I believe it would be better for you to come see it yourself. I don't think he feels well. I don't really know the finer details... Could you come to the cafeteria to collect him?"

"Don't ya have a nurse in yer class?" He was already out the door after a quick apology to Chihiro, but if Taka really was unwell there was little Mondo could do to improve the situation.

"Yes, but Taka is... apprehensive about anyone approaching." That was unlike him. Usually he'd recognise the best course of action and take it, like it or not. Mondo's worry rose by the second. "We thought maybe a familiar face-"

"Fine, 'll be there in five." And with those words he hung up.

That's how he had ended up running through the halls to get to his Kyodai, with the voice of that same Kyodai scolding him in the back of his head.

'You shouldn't run in the hallways, Mondo, you know I can't let you off the hook just because you and I are close.'

'Sorry Taka, emergency. Surely you'd understand if ya were here instead of a stupid voice in my head.'

He slammed open the cafeteria door with a little more force than necessary, effectively announcing his arrival.

"The fuck happened?"

"Ah! Owada-kun. Thank you for coming." A girl with red hair greeted him with the same voice he had heard over the phone.

"Spare me the shit. Where is he?" She pointed at a spot on the floor not far from them, where Kiyotaka lay curled into a ball. Mondo wasted no time rushing to his side. Upon closer inspection, he was trembling.

"I apologise for the inconvenience."

" 'S fine. The fuck happened to 'im?"

"Ah. Hiyoko thought it would be funny to spike his food, as revenge for the detention she had received for pranking Mikan before, and she is being reprimanded by teachers as we speak. Refuses to say what exactly she put in the food, but she says that 'the hall monitor deserved it' and 'maybe the stick in his ass will come loose', her words not mine." Mahiru stated, making quotation marks.

"That bitch- I swear if I get my hands on 'er-"

"While I won't argue that what she did was disrespectful, maybe you should focus on getting Taka to feel better instead of vengeance?"

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