Chapter 2

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TW: Mild Panic Attack, Self-deprication

Kiyotaka woke up with a pounding headache and a suspicious gap in his memory. He immediately ruled out alcohol and recreational substances, because he was absolutely certain he would not grab for those under any circumstances, and was quickly left with no more plausible theories.

The memories that flashed through his head were barely coherent starting from lunch, only the image of a girl with red hair standing over him seemed to resurface each time. She looked familiar, though it was too hazy for him to be sure of her identity.

If he met her again, he'd be sure to recognise her. After all, there were only so many people walking the halls of Hope's Peak, and even fewer of them matched the description of the woman he seemed to recall.

The last place he remembered clearly was the cafeteria, so he decided to investigate there first.

Pushing open the doors revealed that it was not as crowded as he had initially hoped it would be. If there were more people, he wouldn't have to look in as many other places to find the girl, or any witness in general.

A quick glance around the room revealed that Lady Luck was in fact on his side today, and the girl had been the one to find him first.

"Ishimaru-san! I would like to apologise for the events of yesterday, are you feeling better?"

"Oh, yes I feel fine, although I'm afraid my memories of yesterday are a bit hazy. I was hoping you knew more and could explain to me what happened?"

"Well, I don't really know the details, but sure, I'll tell you what I know. So, you entered the dining hall with the intent of eating dinner here, but unbeknownst to you, Hiyoko had slipped some sort of product into your food as an act of revenge, rendering you pretty sick. She still refuses to say what she put in there, but she has already been reprimanded for it. I then called your friend Owada to come get you, since I did not really know what to do in the situation, and he took you to I assume your dormitory? I don't know what happened after that, I was with Hiyoko for the remainder of the evening."

"I see." Mondo had taken him? Then he would know more, right? "Thank you for that, uh-" Awkward, he didn't even know the girl's name.

"Mahiru. Mahiru Koizumi."

"Mahiru. Thank you Mahiru."

"You are welcome. Consider it part of the apology for Hiyoko's behaviour."

"Right, I will. Thank you for your time, I shall get going now." And with those words, he left to go look for Mondo, the only other person who could know what happened.

...well actually, maybe he should have breakfast first. Restoring his memories wasn't really time-sensitive anyway, and what good would it be to go interrogate his bro on an empty stomach?

He grabbed a glass of water and a sandwich and sat down to eat, alone. While he ate that, he went flipping through the remains of his memory.

'Hey, Taka, bro, can ya look at me? I know yer not exactly feeling great right now, but I'm here to help ya.'

Yes, Mondo had come to check up on him. He vaguely remembered that.

'So, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with ya, so 'm just gonna stay 'ere 'till yer okay.'

His dorm. Mondo had taken him to his dorm. Then what?


'Please- Yes- I- Yes- Please- Mondo- Ah!'

He nearly choked on his water.

Surely that can't be right? Yes, that definitely didn't sound correct. No way, didn't happen. Now he was just making things up. Why exactly he'd make this up of all things, that remained a mystery, but this simply couldn't be real.

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