Lightning Strikes Twice

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Central City The Speedsters' HQ ??? POV:

          The Speedsters, the number one hero team in the USA today and the only heroes of Central City. The team consists of five members currently and I Ali Khan have been training for a long time to join their numbers and become the sixth member. My Mother is a high up executive for their hero agency and personally recommended me. She also told me the truth about the team, their speed doesn't come from a quirk it comes from the Speed Force. So me being Quirkless is of no issue. Today was the day I was to be bound to the Speed Force so I can join the team, there is a special procedure I need to go through. 

          "Khan, Ali?" The lead technician and scientist, Dr. Torres asked me half heartedly I nodded. She wore a black turtle neck and leggings under her lab coat. She had brown hair pulled back in a bun her eyes a brilliant hazel and her skin was almond in tone.  "We are ready for you." I stood up and followed behind her closely to the backroom "Please strip down to your underwear and then lay down on the gurney here." I did as ordered and was strapped down to the gurney by another tech. 

          I looked over to see Dr. Torres filling a needle with a dose of a pale purple liquid, "What is that?" I asked her. 

          She set the needle down on a tray, "This is a serum called Trajectory 2," she said as she began to place pads across my body. "and these pads are wireless EKG and EEG to monitor you heart rate and your brain activity while you are in the machine." 

          "All systems are online on our end Dr. Torres," one of her assistants said. 

          "Are you ready for your life to change Mr. Khan," She asked me. 

          I nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be Dr.," I said and she gave a forced smile placing a bite guard in my mouth. She then picked up the syringe and got rid of any air in it, finally injecting it into my arm. 

          "Quickly roll him into the machine he needs the tachyon particles to stabilize the bond to his body!" She said and I was rolled into the machine by an assisting tech. 

Dr. Torres POV:

          I walked over to my station monitoring his heart rate and brain activity, "Firing up the machine now Dr." One of my assistants told me after he was sealed into the machine. 

          "Perfect let me know when he is fully saturated with tachyon particles," I said placing my hand on a large blue button at my station. 

          "The subject should be fully saturated in approximately one minute," the same assistant said. "Total saturation in 30 seconds, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Now Dr. Torres!" I slammed my hand down on the button and a current of electricity ruffly equal to a bolt of lightning entered the machine. "Particle levels have dropped." 

          "Heart rate has disappeared subject seems to be experiencing consistent effects as the rest." I called out, "Get him out of the Machine and up to the specialized health ward for the team. If any of you need me call my cell I need to go preform the daily check on the core." 

          "You go down there everyday Dr. and everyday it is just fine no change in anything so why check it everyday?" one of my newer assistants asked me. 

          "Just because nothing is ever wrong doesn't mean I can break protocol," Leaving briskly to avoid further interruptions, It is always straining on him when we add a new member to the speed force, I thought walking down to the elevator. These levels are restricted access, the only personnel allowed down here is me and proved members of the speedsters themselves oh and the absolute high honcho of the agency. That means only we know the true origins of the Speedsters powers, a fake connection to the Speed Force through the only known man to hold a genuine connection to it.

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