Meeting at The Beach

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Izuku POV:

          I sat their on my bed looking at my hand, the one I saw vibrating. 'Was this a quirk?' I though to myself, 'I really need to figure this out, but how can I. I need someone I can trust.' Then I looked down at my phone, seeing the screen saver of Katsuki ruffling my hair when we were kids. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it pulling up my contact list and I sent a message to Kacchan. 

Hey Kacchan, I'm awake. Could we meet up some place tomorrow. 

Nerd your Finally awake, yeah where you want to meet up?

I thought for a moment, then it hit me the perfect place. 

Meet me at Takobah Municipal Beach, in the afternoon

The trash beach, why you want to meet there?

I need to show you a secret, Promise to keep it between us. 

Okay see you tomorrow Izuku.

          With that I leaned back on my bed and relaxed, for a bit. Growl 'was that my stomach, oh why am I so hungry all of a sudden?' Growl 'Fine fine, I'll see what I can find.' With that I got up and made my way to the kitchen Mom went out to pick up some supplies for dinner so I was by myself. I grabbed a bag of chips and looking in the fridge found two rice balls made for me by mom, grabbing them I went to the table and ate while looking up the news over the last three months.

          "Huh no major crimes since the Sludge incident," I said aloud to myself. "It's all just been petty crime ranging from Mugging to store theft." I to a bit of the first rice ball and was thanking the heavens that I did all my school work a few months in advance other wise I'd be held back. I finished my little snack and went to my room to work on some Support item designs.

          I managed design to a very sophisticated respirator for use by firefighters police and heroes alike. It is a rather sleek design if I do say so my self, I even made a simple conversion to a rebreather for it. I also drew out more sophisticated blueprints for the Support gear I designed for Kacchan, some special gauntlets that would collect and store his sweat to be released in a massive explosion when desired.

         "Izu, I'm home!" I heard mom call from the door way. 

         I walked out of my room and down the hall to see mom in the kitchen pulling out some pork cutlets for dinner. I decided to sit down on the couch and watch some TV, Mom has been wanting me to take it easy since I got back. 

          After about an hour dinner was ready. We ate, mom talking about how the Bakugou's would come and visit me at UA with her. Once we were done eating we both retired to our rooms. I needed to think of the best way to tell Kacchan about the sudden apperance of a quirk or something. 

          Eventually I managed to get to sleep and enter the world of dreams. Looking around I saw a rainbow of electrical arcs racing around in a constant storm. I blinked once and I was suddenly in my room but outside my window was the rainbow storm. 

          "You got one thing wrong kid," a gruff masculine voice said behind me I turned around to see, my dad behind me. 


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