Chapter 15

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Riley p.o.v
"are you Cooper?" viv is staring at me and I feel as though the air is being sucked out of me. I can feel my hands shaking and I know I have to do this. "Riley?" "yes" the minute she says my name I confess. "what? Oh my god." viv can't stop staring at me. "viv you have to understand." I start to explain. "why did you hide it?" I stare at the floor. "viv, please." "riley, why?" I can tell she's hurt I hid it. I'm confused why it's such a big deal this is my personal life why is it important for her to know so much or be mad at me for not telling her? "why are you so mad?" I start to get annoyed. "riley... The songs you've wrote... They're dark. Some are really dark. I'm worried about you. You hid this from your friends and girlfriend and lied also. I don't understand why because you're so talented but I am worried about you. Was your latest song about leah?" I am not as annoyed anymore. I can see where she is coming from. Knowing I am cooper means she knows I wrote those lyrics. I felt those feelings. I can see why she's concerned. " yes, cupid is about leah."  I answer. " she loves that song." she smiles." yeah, she told me." "you need to tell her Riley." "i will, but please give me time to do that." I beg viv. "okay." "thank you." viv hugs me and we decide to have a movie night and sleep on the couch. I send leah a good night text and let myself fall asleep. I'm worried about telling leah but I hope she'll understand.

The last few days leah was away I worked 3 more shifts. I now have 8 days off and leah comes home tomorrow. I'm laying on leahs bed talking to her about how camp has been and laughing about all that's happened in our time apart... Well kinda time apart. I mean I did become her girlfriend during this time apart so I'd say it was a good result. "it's getting late, you need to sleep for your trip home tomorrow." I yawn out. Its 1am, its past late but I never want to leave her. "I know, I just don't want to hang up." "I'd say stay on all night but Georgia is in the room and I don't want to disturb her." "I know babe, the quicker I go to sleep the quicker I see you so I will go to sleep and I'll message you the minute I wake up and when I'm driving back. I can't wait to hold you." leah says smiling. She's so cute. "I can't wait to be in your arms." I say smiling at the thought. "I love you Riley." "I love you leah."

I wake up to a pillow being thrown at my face. "hey, what was that for?" "your alarms been going off for 10 minutes." viv groans. Oops I forgot to turn it off. "sorry, it would've been on for work but since we are up now... I need your help." I give viv a big smile and shes already trying to work out what Im up to. "you scare me when you say that, you never need help." viv laughs. To be fair it's true I very rarely ask for help but I now have people around me that would do anything for me so i feel better to ask for help. "yeah, yeah. Well it's not that scary don't worry. Actually I think youll enjoy this." viv raises her eyebrow. "okay, what can i do?" I tell viv the plan and she's so excited, she can't stop jumping up and down. "you can't tell Beth what's going on but can you just make sure her and leah make it to the location. I'll sort the rest." I say knowing viv is dying to tell Beth. "okay kid. You sure you want to do this?" "it's now or never." I smile but I'm absolutely shitting myself. I hope this goes to plan.

Leah p.o.v

Usually I love a good lie in and would snooze my alarm 10 times before waking up but not today. Today I get to go home to my girl. I jump up out of bed and pack up all my stuff. I hear Georgia moving around and then start to talk "hey, yeah I just was calling to say leah is unwell. She's up before 9am and is running around like a crazy person. Think she's coming down with something." Georgia says into her phone laughing. "shut up. I'm fine, I just want to be ready to go." I say and shrug. "let's not lie you just want to see Riley." Georgia laughs again. Beth comes into the room and laughs at me too. "what's so funny?" "you're so loved up. It's cute." Beth says smiling. "youse are just as bad as each other. I just miss her, it'll get easier but it's the first time we've been apart and it was hard. I mean, I'm used to having my partner with me. When I was with Jordan we played for the same club team and country team. We never were apart and now that I'm with someone that doesn't have anything to do with football it's strange but shes so understanding which makes me love her even more. I just want to get home to her and enjoy having my girlfriend around me all the time." I really do miss Riley. I love my team and my job but being away from my loved ones can really take its toll sometimes. " we will get you to her leah, now let's go get some breakfast and enjoy the last few hours with the lionessess before we go." Beth says and we go down stairs. I see Lucy and kiera at a table so I join them. "hello lovebirds." I joke and sit down. "hey, did you hear that Jordan pulled out of the next camp?" Lucy says. "what? Why would she do that?" "apparently her injury hasn't improved as well as she'd hoped and she's been advised not to strain herself." what a shame, Jordan really wanted to be here and play for her country just like the rest of us. "I feel for her." "yeah so do we." I see Jordan leaving the canteen and I decide to go and talk to her. She's still my friend and team mate and I want her to be fit enough to play or at least have support during this difficult time. I see her standing outside so I make my way to her. "hey" I say softly hoping Jordan isn't too upset. "hey leah." she doesn't look at me. "Jordan I heard what happened. I truly am sorry. I know you'd love to be in the euros and how much it means to you so I am sorr..." oh my god. Jordan has just kissed me. I quickly pull away. "what the hell Jordan?" "im sorry I was just upset." Jordan looks at the floor. "i get that but I have a girlfriend. Oh my god Riley. I have to tell her." "no, don't please." "Jordan. I'm telling Riley." I walk away as soon as I say it. I didn't feel anything during that kiss. No spark. No adrenaline. When Riley kisses me, my whole body explodes, I love her and now I have to tell her my ex kissed me. I begin to cry and slide down the wall. I'm going to lose her. She's going to leave me. I'm sobbing into my hands but I feel someone pull me into them. Please don't be Jordan. "I've got you. I seen what happened. Are you okay?" Its Lucy. "Riley is never going to forgive me." I sob harder. "hey! This wasn't your fault. Riley will see that. I watched it happen, you didn't kiss her back. Riley will understand." Lucy says holding me. I hope she is right, I can't lose Riley. "come on, let's get you home to Riley so you can talk." Lucy says and helps me up. "thank you luce." "don't thank me, just don't give up on your happiness." I smile and we walk back to the girls. I ask Beth if we can go and she agrees. I say my goodbyes and head to the car. I just want to get home to Riley. I have to explain.

I'm silent for most of the ride. I did tell Beth what happened and she was shocked and worried but also told me the same as Lucy and thinks Riley will understand. I was so happy this morning, so ready to go home and now I feel sick and I don't know how this is going to go. The car comes to a stop and I notice we aren't home. "what's wrong?" I look at Beth. "come on, you'll see." Beth says smiling. I get out of the car and I notice we are in meadow Park. "Beth I just want to go home, please." I really can't wait any longer. "Just come on."

Riley p.o.v

Ive got everything set up for leah coming. I'm shitting myself but I know I have to do this. I've missed leah so much but I don't know how this is going to go and I don't want to get my hopes up that we will be okay. "they're here." viv says looking up from her phone. "this is it!" I see leah and Beth walk towards us. Leah sees me but before I let her do anything I turn the microphone on, I close my eyes and I sing. The song I picked I wrote after leah asked me to be her girlfriend. No one has heard it and its about how I thought I didn't need anyone and could go through my struggles and life without someone. I couldn't of been more wrong. Leah opened my eyes to what love is like. What feeling cared for and protected feels like.

*the song is called helium by sia.*

"I'm trying but I keep falling down
I cry out but nothing comes now
I'm giving my all and I know peace will come
I never wanted to need someone
Yeah, I wanted to play tough, thought I could do all this on my own
But even Superwoman sometimes needed Superman's soul
Help me out of this hell
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up when I'm down, down, down, when I've hit the ground
You're all I need"

As im singing the lyrics I can see leahs eyes on me. Staring at me and I think I can see tears. This song is emotional and I'm letting leah know how I feel in the strangest way but also this is my way of telling her I am Cooper, and I couldn't be more worried about the response.

"And if you let go, I'll float towards the sun
I'm stronger 'cause you fill me up
But when the fear comes and I drift towards the ground
I am lucky that you're around
Yeah, I wanted to play tough, thought I could do all this on my own
But even Superwoman sometimes needed Superman's soul
Help me out of this hell
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up when I'm down, down, down, when I've hit the ground
You're all I need
'Cause your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium"

Leah has changed my life. She has my heart. I can always trust her, but I've lied to her and maybe she won't trust me after this. I hope she does. God please do not let me lose this girl.

"You lift me up and I am found
You lift me up before I hit the ground
You lift me up when I am down, down, down
You lift me up before I hit the ground
You lift me up and I am found
You lift me up before I hit the ground
You lift me up when I'm down, down, down
You lift me up before I hit the ground
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up when I'm down, down, down, when I've hit the ground
You're all I need
'Cause your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium
Your love lifts me up like helium"

I finish the song and I know it's time to really face the music. Leah. I walk down to leah and I can feel my heartbeat in my throat. I can hear it beating so fast. I look at leah and her eyes are soaked. She looks like she's been sobbing so much. I have to suck this up. "leah, I'm Cooper." I let the words fall and I feel like my walls have crumbled and I can barely keep it together. I hope she let's me explain why I kept it from her. I look up at her and when I finally hear what she has to say it was worse than I ever imagined.

"Jordan kissed me."

Author* Sorry for the delay. I've been working. I hope you like it xx

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