Chapter 43

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Riley p.o.v

At the time leah was having her altercation with declan I was chatting to her mum. It wasn't until leahs voice boomed through the room that I knew she wasnt happy with someone. Which confused me because everyone here was hand picked by us to make sure we avoided all of this.

Amanda had the same worried expression as I did when she heard her daughter voice over anyone else's. "oh dear, I believe your soon to be wife may be having an argument." she says, neither of us are too worried as we didn't expect anyone to actually argue with one of the hosts of this party but then again it is mine and leahs party and nothing is straight forward for us. We both make our way to where a small crowd had gathered. Leah being in the middle of it all. I hear Beth, Katie and a few other people also talking to someone. None sound happy at all.

As I make my way to the middle of the crowd I now know why she's annoyed. Declan. Now I know I said we hand picked the people here but I only invited Megan from Sony so I did give her a plus one but I didn't expect it to be declan. I hate declan, he is very creepy towards me, calls me at random times of the night drunk and tries to flirt with me or asks me to meet him. He's who I would go to when I am in the UK but I tend to call Megan anyway as I feel more comfortable with her.

I can see his face change from being smug to being angry. That's when I hear him say the most ridiculous comment. "I'm only telling the truth. Maybe she's worried leah will fly off the handle again and break Rileys heart. Or maybe she's worried she'll find better when she's away from leah. Realise the mistake she's made." it was at that moment I knew what he was talking about. He has told leah about my refusal to do a tour, he's blaming her for it and I know he's only saying these words because if I did do a tour he gets a lot more money and gets to come with me. So he would spend every day with me. That is one of the reasons I said no.

When he says these things to leah I can see her doubt in her eyes and my heart breaks. How dare he ever try and make her feel as though she is not the best thing to ever happen to me. When I speak to Declan I can feel everyone's eyes on me but I don't care. No one will speak to leah like that.

Once he was removed and everything was calm again I could see leah stood in the corner, I knew I needed her to know none of what Declan had said was true. When I approached her I don't know if it was the alcohol or the fact this was our engagement party, or the emotions of the night but I really needed her. kissing her was not enough to suppress the desire I had for her.

It may not of been very classy of us. Or appropriate and I really hope my parents weren't watching down on us in that moment but it felt right. Everything with leah feels right. Hearing her moans for me, felt right.

Once we had finished we rejoined the party as if nothing had happened, I felt so naughty but I kept my composure... Until i seen viv.

She smirks at me as if she already knew something was up and came over to me. "I've been looking for you." she says, slightly drunk. "I was just at the bathroom." come on Riley, keep it together. "alone?" she raises her eyebrow and I can't help but smile. Shit.

Vivs face lights up and she begins to laugh. "I knew it, you have a weird glow about you. I knew you'd done something bad." it didn't feel bad in the moment though. It felt so good. I can't lie to Viv, she can read me like a book. "okay, yes I was in the bathroom with leah, but don't tell anyone. Her family are here tonight." I can't imagine the look on their faces if they ever found out.

Viv agrees and we act as if nothings happened. Thankfully for the rest of the night it is not mentioned, I make glances at leah throughout the night but still mingle with our guests. We have a couple dances together and I'm sure we looked ridiculous because both of us were quite drunk but it was the best night.

Leah Williamson love story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें