CHAPER 1 : Plane

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Vincent Pov

I had a bad feeling about this trip. It was the day after our wedding. All four of us were headed to Vegas, for our luxurious honeymoon.

Adrian was fast alseep on my shoulder. His drool dampened my shirt. I really wish he would not drool in his sleep, but he always does this stuff. To be honest, with the four of us finally getting married due to the US legalizing polyamary, he has gotten so unbareable. He keeps whining about everything. Wines about how he needs to do the dishes, how his hair is greasy, how he can't stand how we aren't paying attention to him.It's not even cute anymore. I really wish it was just the three of us, rather then the four of us. I'm hoping the other two are happy with him- Ugh, what am i saying?? What the freak?? Adrian is so nice why would we not want to be married to him.
I look over at him, his pink and blue hair resting on my neck, his chin on my shoulder, eyes closed. He looks so peaceful.
I look out the window, the purple nightsky mixes with the grey clouds along with the streaks of blue and white of the stars. So. Peaceful...... Way..... peaceful......
"All passengers prepare for landing" boomed into my ears. I shoot awake.
"Oh dang.. morning already?" I didn't realize i fell asleep. Adrian was still fast asleep. "Hmm...." I wonder if i should shake him.
Next to Adrian, Kevin was reading a magazine. I dont think he can hear anything, his headphones are in.
"Kevin!" I wisper. Nothing. "Kevin!!" I say, a little louder then a wisper. Nope. "KEVIN!!!" I wisper yell.
"Hm?" He takes out an earbud.
"When are we landing?"
"Um. In fifteen. Is Adrain still asleep?"

"Yeah. I don't know if i should wake him."
"Oh. Um." He poked Adrain
"Are people supposed to be cold?"
"Um." He taps him. "Adrain... bud... it's time to wake up."
"What is going on..." I shake him a little
His head falls off my shoulder, and slumps over
"What the... Adrian... are you?"
Kevin tries to sit him up again. But he slumps over once more.
"He's really.. Um"
"He doesnt look good at all. Where's Felix??"
The flight attendant walks by us
"Is everything okay over.... Is that man inbetween both of you alright?"
"I. I don't think so."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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