ryan mcmahon x reader

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note: fluffy, wholesome ryan x reader, kinda cheesy but cute!!

flashback to 2017
"we're on in five minutes... holy shit..." you mutter your yourself pacing back and forth. your band is playing the workman's club tonight for the first time and it is absolutely packed because there's a more well known band called inhaler playing after you.
"y/n, don't worry you're going to do great." your best mate and bassist, niamh, rubs your shoulder, giving you a smile. you hold your drumsticks in your hand and take a deep breath. the band's singer, anya, and the guitarist, ashley, all gather round as you guys do a reminder of the set list.
"okay so we only have a few minutes to clear the stage after so inhaler can set up." anya says.
"maybe if they're nice enough they'll help us clear?" niamh suggests.
"yeah right, they're private school boys. their singer has bono as a dad." ashley scoffs at the idea.
"yeah but their drummer is still pretty cute though, his older brother used to hang around with my brother." you add.
"you're on now." the stage manager comes to to us to let us know it's time.
as soon as you sit down behind the drumkit, you can feel the heat of the lights already making you start to sweat. you can feel the eyes of the packed bar staring at you.
"welcome everyone, we are indie blondes, and we're very excited to be playing here for the first time tonight!" anya shouts into the microphone. "y/n, take it away!" she turns around to look at you. you count everyone in and suddenly it all comes together, and you don't feel so nervous. as you go through the next couple songs, you can feel the hair starting to stick to the back of your neck from the sweat, but you feel right at home on the stage. that's when you see the lads from inhaler standing at the side stage watching on in approval.

present day
"guys, look at these photos of us from 2017, we were so young!!" you call to everyone. you bring a photo album full of photos that you and anaïs both took back in 2017 - 2019.
"look it was the lovebirds first date!" bobby says, pointing to a picture of you and ryan together at a mumford and sons concert in 2018. the next picture in the book is all eight of you on the stage at workman's club on new year's eve 2017.
"that was such a good night." eli says.
"that was also the night that niamh and ashley  got alcohol poisoning though." anya points out.
"totally worth it though. just think, 6 years ago we were getting drunk in a little tiny club after a show, and now we are all getting ready for a north american tour together." ashley says, leaning back in the chair and taking a long drag off bobby's smoke she snatched off him.
"and you guys have an album out, we're getting ready to put a second album together, it's crazy." anya adds.
"it doesn't feel like we've been together for 4 years already though y/n." ryan says softly.
"we're getting old already too, coming up on 23 for most of us at least." eli declares after a few moments of silence.
"my da keeps asking when he's proposing still, i think it's kind of funny if im honest." you giggle, looking around.
"i know everytime i see the man he's always asking, saying that i don't even have to ask his blessing and everything." ryan adds.
"that's shocking, especially coming from your da." eli says.
"honest, he's not that bad, he's just like a hard ass that's all." you assure eli.
"this is random, but does anyone fancy going to like a karaoke bar or something tonight? i think it would be a good laugh?" niamh suggests.
"yeah sure." everyone murmurs.
"right well we are going to head home then to feed the dog & get ready." you announce.
"i think we should invite lewis & louis tonight, since we're supposed to be going off on the tour and what not, maybe it would be nice for them to join us?" josh suggests.
"yeah that would be good." eli nods.
once you and ryan say goodbye to everyone, you head back to your flat.

"hi Harley!" ryan chirps as you two walk into the flat and harley jumps off the couch. you take off your shoes and hang up ryan's jacket, as well as your own while he feeds harley.
"4 years babe." he smiles and gives you a huge hug. "i love you more then words can describe."
"i love you too hun." you hug him tighter "i'm so glad we get to tour together this time."
once you finally break the hug, you give him a quick peck on the cheek.
"i'm going to go shower." ryan says.
"just hang on, i need my straightener." you pop into the toilet & grab your hair products. once ryan is in the shower, you start to decide your outfit for the night. eventually you settle on a led zeppelin t shirt, a long black skirt with a slit in the leg, your doc martens & a long black cardigan. ryan gets out of the shower, puts some jeans, a Rolling Stones t shirt and sets his leather jacket by the door. you watch him do his hair through the mirror while you do your makeup. a song comes on over your cassette player that you both adore; dedicated to the one i love by the mamas and papas.
"i dedicate this song to you, my love." ryan says walking over to you and rubbing your back gently.
"thank you hun." you smile softly, standing up. he placed his hands on your hips as you both sway back and forth like year 8's at the school winter dance.
you and ryan drive over to the karaoke bar, excited for a night of fun with everyone before tour starts. weirdly enough, you and ryan were the last ones there, but you don't think about it too much. everyone picks their songs & you all order some drinks.
"niamh do a song with me!!" you exclaim.
"okay which one?" she asks.
"just dance by lady gaga!" eli chimes in.
you and niamh get up in front of everyone, and start to dance and sing your hearts out. lewis of course is getting pictures for everyone and near the second half of the song anya and ashley come up to join. next is eli and louis singing party in the usa, then josh and bobby singing super bass.
"can we do a wolf alice song?" ashley asks.
"of course, are you crazy? that's not even a question." you answer.
"don't delete the kisses?" anya suggests.
"yes." niamh chips in.
the four of you sing the verses & the lads help out with the choruses. belting the choruses are so therapeutic. after don't delete the kisses the lads go up and ryan picks yellow by coldplay.
"this is for a special someone." ryan winks at you. about halfway through the song, you turn to talk to ashley but she suddenly starts freaking out.
"oh my god!!" ashley, anya & niamh all exclaim. you turn around and see ryan on one knee, looking extremely nervous.
"y/n y/l/n, will you marry me?" he asks.
"oh my god of course!!" you yell, tears welling up in your eyes. he puts the ring on your finger and he stands up to kiss you.
once you and ryan are done hugging you motion for everyone to come and get in a group hug.
"did you guys know about this?!" you ask everyone.
"of course we did, we helped orchestrate everything." louis says.
"and don't worry i took lots of pictures too by the way." lewis adds.
"well i wouldn't have wanted it any other way. i literally had no idea, so you guys did an amazing job." you smile at ryan.
"i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." he whispers to you with the biggest smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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