Chapter One

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*Esme POV*

We're bored to death in heaven

And all alone in hell

We only want to be ourselves

We scream (we scream), we shout (we shout)

We are the fallen angels

We screa-

My hand slams down on my alarm clock, ending its incessant beeping. I flip over to lay on my back, throwing an arm over my eyes in the process. I glance at the red lights illuminating from my bedside that read 5:15 am.

"Ugh, why is Friday and Monday so close together?" I groan to myself. I rub my hands over my eyes to wake myself up. I start to stand up, but the moment my feet touch the cold marble floor I gasp and jump back on the bed.

"Coldfloorcoldfloorcoldfloor." I put on my royal blue slippers that say 'I love my bed'. Its true, don't judge me.

I jump out of bed and into the bathroom to take a steaming hot shower as well as wash my face and brush my teeth. I check the time again, 6:05. Once in my room, I throw on the outfit I chose the night before, A gray v-neck crop top that says 'You're Just Jealous', black skinny jeans with two zippers on each side, and black and red flannel, and a pair of plain white vans. I did my hair with a wide barrel wand, leaving my with loose curls. 6:40 am

Once I disconnected the wand I headed across the hall to wake the rest of the family. I knock on the white oak door in front of me once before walking in. I stifle a laugh at the sight of my brother wrapped in his blankets like a burrito.

I sit on the edge of his bed and lightly shake him.

"Chris." I shake him a little more. "Chris, sweetie, it's time to wake up." He mumbles slightly, "Christopher, get up. We have to get the kids ready."

He yawns and stretches a little, "Alright I'm up. Give me 10 minutes." I nod then leave his room and head to the kitchen. You see, even though Chris is 18, I make the decisions in this home. I wake up, get ready, then wake up Chris. Then I go make breakfast while Chris gets the kids up and dressed.

No, Chris and I aren't together, nor have we ever been together, but we do raise a family together, that is all I have to say right now.

I decide to make French-toast and sausage for breakfast today. It wasn't long before I heard the little pitter-patter of tiny feet running down the stairs. I shake my head in amusement, no many how many times I tell them, they still run.

A chorus of 'Good Morning Mom' and 'Good Morning Mamma' greet me as my children dig into their breakfast at the table, followed by Chris.

I've never been pregnant, in fact I'm still a virgin, but they are still my children, blood or not. Chris, well, he fulfills the father role that our kids need. As of right now, we have five kids. Four boys and one baby girl. There's Jake, who's 14 and a freshman in high school, Cole, who is 10 and in the 5th grade, Alex, who is 4 and Pre-K, and lastly Lina, who is also 4 and in Pre-K. Jake and Cole have my last name, where as Alex and Lina have Chris' last name.

I finish with my breakfast first as always, followed by my kids and Chris. I was the dishes and clean-up while Chris, makes sure the kids have their backpacks and sweaters. I check the clock one last time to see it's 7;35, School starts at 8:00, thank God we still have time.

"Come on Chris! Jake, Cole, Alex, Lina! We have to get to school!"

"Coming Mom", they shouted as they walked out the door. Chris and I drove separately. He takes Alex and Lina to Pre-K, while I head straight to the school, since it's a high school, junior high, and elementary all in one.

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