Chapter Nineteen

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*Athena's POV*

It's been days since I've left these walls, but I have no choice. Days since I've been able to go to the ring, or even talk to Ace.

James, you idiot, I warned you. Only...I paid the price for your choices.

The bandages around my torso are ready to be changed for the fifth time today and it's only 9 in the morning.

Blood soaked sheets need to be washed as well. Sitting up took more energy than I thought it would...jesus I'm already breaking a sweat.

"Easy,Miss. You shouldn't strain yourself." my maid tsked.

"Amy, need i remind you as to who signs your checks?" I cock an eyebrow before letting it slip and smile. "I've had much worse before, I'll be just a well now, but thank you for your concern."

She bows her head, "Yes,Miss. Anything else I can get for you?"

"No, that is all." I say dismissing her. However, after sitting up, I'm extremely tired. I notice a bottle of hydrocodone and took some before laying back down.

The events that night  play in my mind like a movie as I drift off to sleep, the last thing my conscious mind sees, is my opponent thrusting a knife into my abdomen.

Everything goes black.

A/N: After so long of me being gone, I'm happy to announce I'm back!! I am so surprised and so extremely happy that you all have been happy with my story and for sticking through it after all this time. Lots of love!xx
Little Filler for you all, as always I love reading your comments, you guys make me laugh sometimes☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2017 ⏰

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