Chapter Sixteen

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*James POV*

It was like time stopped as Esme stormed into the class room, her deadly glare making everyone, including me, shrink back in our seats. My leg started bouncing up and down in anticipation, for what I'm not sure.

Once she found who she was looking for, she marched over towards Walter. Grabbing by the collar of his shirt, she picked him up and slammed him against the desk.

He was literally shaking so bad that everyone who was watching could  tell, his eyes so wide that they nearly pop out of their sockets, as he stared at her face getting closer to his.

Fuck! That's to close! I want to get up and push her away from him but taking another look at her face I'd rather sit back and watch.

No I'm not afraid! I just...want to see if my girl can handle herself. Yeaah, that's exactly it.

"-MY SON, comes home with another bruise because of your brother, I'm coming after you!" She said as she cut me out of my thoughts.

She glared at him one more time before letting him go and storming out of the room.

Utter silence, we all sat there not knowing what to say, until Lucas opened his big mouth.

"Well," he starts off, "as the saying goes, 'you don't fuck with Momma Bear and her Cubs'."

The boys and I start cracking up, breaking the tension in the room. Soon everyone joined in on the laughing, well everyone except Wilson whose face is as red as a baboons ass.

But deep inside I couldn't help but think that I didn't like seeing her so pissed, so with that I sighed and got up the boys following. Walking down the halls, they were barren.

Where the fuck could she have gone? Restrooms? Hmmm, think...where would you go if you were pissed?

....No she wouldn't go there.

The football stands! Heading down the hallway, I sprinted outside. 

"Esme! Esme! ES!" I yelled as I saw her lone figure standing under the bleachers.

I could have sworn once I got close enough she rolled her eyes.

Well then!

A/N: hey guys I know this is short but I figured this is better than nothing!

Thanks for the votes, comments, followings, and of course ad sings to your reading lists! 

Again, thanks for your awesome comments you guys!

-xx Nicole

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