Chapter 26

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Kinn POV

"We're going out tonight. Lets go to that bar we went to last time."
"I don't know if I have time tonight Tay."
"Ah come on just come for an hour or two, your pa doesn't let you go anything in the company anyway."
"Fine. Is Vegas coming?"
"Yes he is and he's bringing his new boyfriend. I haven't met him yet and I want to know who he is." He says excitedly.
"Okay see you tonight." I say and hang up the phone.

I'm walking into the bar and already see Porsche at the counter.
I smile at him and my heart skips a beat when I see him smiling.

I walk up to him.
"Hey Porsche."
"Hey, I'm busy, your friends are over there." He says in a dismissive tone.
"What's wrong?" I ask and he looks away from the costumer and back at me.
"Nothing's wrong but I'm busy so go hang out with your friends and someone'll come take your order." He smiles timidly at me and I nod.
I'm a little disappointed in his dismissive behaviour but brush it aside.

I walk to the back where the vip lounge is.
"Kinn! You came!" Tay yells and I look at Vegas.
"He was already like this when we came in." He says and I nod.
"Hey Pete."
"Hey Kinn." He says and Vegas puts a protective arm over his shoulder.
Jealous dog.

I sit down and we order our drinks.
We talk for a while before I see Time sitting down next to Tay.
I must've looked angry because Vegas kicked me underneath the table.
"Be nice." He whispers and I glare at Time.

"Hey Kinn, long time no see."
"Yep it's been a while. I'm going to the bar for a minute." I say and stand up before I say something stupid and hurt my friend in the process.

He's mixing drinks and doesn't hear me.
I was just about to call out to him again when I see him taking the hand of a costumer and kissing it with a sly smirks playing on his lips.
"What the fuck?" I wonder out loud and walk to where he's standing with the other costumer.

"I'll be with you in a minute." He says without even looking at me and goes to talk to the women again.
"The fuck you will!" I say before I jump over the counter and take his wrist.

I pull him behind me to walk outside.
"What the fuck Porsche?! What the hell was that?!"
"It's business Kinn. It's so we get tips and they come back again." He says like it's nothing and takes out a cigarette.
"You have a boyfriend now! You can't go around like some slu-"
"Like some what?" He asks when I don't finish my sentence.

"You can't just flirt with other people Porsche!"
"I've always done that, we get good tips and it's not like I can just stop working. I need the money for me and my brother."
"I can give you the money!"
"You really are dumb Kinn. I'm not looking for a hand out and I definitely don't want it from you. I work my ass off for this money."
"Okay fine I get that but you can't go around flirting with people. How would you like it when I flirt with other people?"
He stops smoking and looks at me.

"Okay?" I ask.
"You're right. I'll stop flirting but I still have to be nice to people. That includes beautiful women and men so I don't want you to get all angry again and jump over the counter like some maniac." He says leaning against the wall blowing out his cigarette smoke.

"You'll... you'll stop flirting?" I ask a little in disbelief.
"That's what you want isn't it?" He asks finally looking at me.
"Y...yes but I didn't think you'd agree like that."
"That's how this works Kinn. We talk about things and then we can come to an agreement. I will stop flirting but I still have to be nice to those people so you can't get mad about that."
He's really going to stop flirting because I asked him to? I never thought he'd be this reasonable.

"Okay." I walk closer to him and inhale his scent.
"You smell good." I say before leaning my hands next to his head trapping him between them.

I lower my head to his nape and kiss it gently before I put one of my hands on his waist.

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