Ch 5

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It had been days since the visit of the second prince.

 Griffin had wanted to jump off a cliff during those painful long hours of accompanying the prince around campus, this prince talked too much and he was getting a headache from all the yapping. He gave his quips which sadly excited the prince, which was strange in its own right, and not the interesting kind of strange, rather it was more of an weird and concerning type.

He swore the prince almost talked his ears off! Where that noisy fool stored all that energy, he didn't know and he certainly wouldn't like to find out because that meant more interaction with him and honestly like always Griffin would rather choose death.

These days were routinely boring but at least this boredom gave him some peace.

He was in the middle of a lecture about how to NOT ruin a potion when making it because dammit people do this one too many times for his liking and Oros forbid that happen in HIS class, when suddenly the head teacher walked into the room.

"Why hello there, bit rude of you to simply waltz in without knocking...well then how may I assist you?"

The head teacher slightly bowed in apology and dropped a letter onto his desk. Griffin looked at the letter and then back at his colleague in curiosity. They simply smiled, although in an awkward manner. 

All of the staff members with the exception of the headmaster the kissass and Saus the ignorant idiot, knew of Griffin's dislike towards his own family. Hence the awkward air between the two.

He took the letter in his hands, the envelope was quite lovely with a seal that filled a sense of dread in him. The seal belonged to his family. He thanked the head teacher as they left, a look of concern visible on their face. He returned to his lecture, glancing every now and then at the letter. While he clearly wanted to know what was in that godforsaken envelope, he wanted to make sure his students didn't screw up in his class.

Soon enough, class had ended. As the last few students left the room, Griffin tore open the envelope. His eyes landed on the handwriting. It was clearly his father's. How annoying...

Dead blue eyes scanned the paper as he tried to understand what was going on in his father's brain.

Apparently, the Crown Prince has finally taken for himself a fiancée and the whole empire was rejoicing. The reason for overly exaggerated reaction was because the Crown Prince was never really interested in anyone. To finally have taken a fiancée, one of his own choosing was a blessing from Oros himself. At least to the masses.

To summarize the contents of the letter, he was going to attend the betrothal ceremony in the name of his family.

Didn't his father say he wanted Grace to be the heir? 

Didn't his 'family' make it clear to the public who was the successor of their 'legacy'?


Was...was his father a moron?

Rhetorical question, his father IS a moron. But never mind that...

Or was it because...

Oh yes, there  it was. He finally saw it.

He's going because Grace is going to be there as part of the knights and she couldn't go in 'their' name.

He knew it. Otherwise his father wouldn't even care about sending him a letter.

As he read further, he froze.

"Excuse me, WHAT?" He said, his voice raising with each word.

His...his father wants him to move out of their family estate, as well as the staff dorms and stay in some estate in some faraway property.  He didn't have a problem not being in the same house as his family, no in fact it was something else entirely.

 What the problem was...was the sheer disrespect being thrown at him in the form of a near disownment in a very casual letter. In the empire, being ordered to move out of your very high ranking family's main manor and into some estate that they only recently remembered because they wanted to send you somewhere else was another way of saying you are disowned without actually being disowned.

While not being made heir was fine, THIS was not.

What? You thought he wouldn't care? Ahem, he still has some pride left, thank you very much.

He didn't care about inheritance but he couldn't stand being humiliated by his moronic father.

He wanted to burn the letter but then he paused.

This...this was perfect.

While his father said he wanted him to move into an estate, he didn't say which one exactly which meant he could choose one. He could choose one that would make his father a bit angry. He can choose...the one his father liked best.

Rinebourgh manor.

Griffin's face was one of revengeful amusement.

He quickly got to writing his reply. He made sure to write it such a way, that it would annoy his father to no end. Ah~ imagine the look on that bastard's face when he finds out which manor he chose.

As soon as he sent the letter he got to work. Vacating the dormitory room and having his belongings that were with him right now and at the main manor shifted to Rinebourgh manor. The faster the better, after all his dear father should be made really mad in order for him to get any kick out of this situation.

Revenge was sweet as the countless times before, really he just can't get enough.

And that's how he ended up here, peacefully sitting on an plush armchair in the tea room of one of the most finest manors in the Aeluston, drinking tea while reading one very anticipated letter from father dearest. 

And he wouldn't have it any other way.

He decided to frame this letter that marked his victory just to spite his father should he dare visit.

Speaking of letters he got one from that annoying fellow, the second prince.

His Highness decided to be 'generous' and go the extra mile to extend a special invitation to him for the ball. This news spread quite quickly amongst the noble houses and his father felt that he was finally getting on the right track.

Blegh! What right track? What special invite? Couldn't that noisy nosy bastard mind his own business? What generosity? That prince just wanted to get on his nerves that all!

All he could hope for was to not have to talk with anyone 'important' to the godforsaken plot especially that damned Crown Prince and very special fiancée that he will probably guard like the mad dog he is. His thoughts and prayers are with that poor girl.

Although he doesn't feel sorry for the second prince in the slightest. Good for him to have an obsessive dog for a brother! Suffer! He will savor every bit of it, for sure.

He looked at the clock on his wall. 

He should probably get the order for his suit done soon and now would be a good time. He was lazy but he liked being efficient.

He stood up and walked out the door, not before muttering a "Thank you my dear father.", a small sly smile present on his usually serious face.

Time and Time Again, I Wish for an EndWhere stories live. Discover now