Chapter Four

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Tito's POV:

I was with my brothers while we all were working on the run down of the next concert show. After this, we have to go meet our personal trainer and our dance instructor. We did some warm up stretches and jogged in place. But when we all took a break and our heart beats slowed down some... I spoke up on behalf of the other brothers to Jermaine because we just wanted to check in on him...

Tito: " While we all have a moment to chat and catch up. Jermaine, how are you doing personally, bro?"

He nodded and replied.

Jermaine: " I'm better than the last time you guys saw me... I'm mainly glad we got the elephant out of the room now and I'm glad Kiki had the closure she needed from those letters. Although, I had my checkered past... there's no future for those past mistakes in my life."

Marlon: " Smart man..."

Jackie: " So, how is she? Has she spoken more to you or is she still somewhat closed off to the world..?"

Jermaine: " Well, I don't force answers out of her... I'm patient and loving when it comes to her, bro. We've had conversations about the situation at hand and I think we both reached a breaking point of letting all this foolishness go."

Tito: " Over time... the healing process will be completed. The love you both share is powerful."

Randy: " You'll make it through anything.."

Michael: " All valid points because the way you both got emotional after she revealed what was happening in her heart and in her mind... it was a beautiful sight... your love outweighs any negativity thrown your way."

Katherine: " And that's exactly why I'm proud of all of you boys now."

We turned and looked at mother in surprise. We didn't know she was coming to visit. I noticed Jermaine look at his watch and I exchanged a concerned look with Jackie and the others...

Katherine: " Well, I hope all is well sons. I love y'all and please stay safe and make smart choices." She said greeting all of us a sweet goodbye and kissing our foreheads and cheeks.

When she left, Jermaine spoke up.

Jermaine: " I have an important meeting to be at in about 45 minutes..."

Marlon: " What type of meeting??"

Jermaine: " It's for my wife and I ..." he trailed off.

Jackie: " Oh no...."

Jermaine: " Not the type of meeting y'all are thinking of... this one is with my wife and other people..."

Tito: " Oh Okay."

Randy: " Well can we all come... just to show support bro..."

Jermaine: " Yes. Y'all can."

He told us the address to be at and he was on his way out so that he can be there on time. I'm still curious what the meeting is about..... but I guess we will see. Jackie spoke to our trainer and persuaded them to continue our session within the next week so we have time to work and do other things with our wives and families. Jermaine left and soon we followed behind... we were driven to a strange location... seemed like a theater or auditorium area or space... as we entered an usher guided us to our seats and we were secured by glass and protected by ropes. We sat down silently. The other wives came in too and sat next to us...

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