Chapter 7: Tension

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ABBA - Gimme Gimme Gimme
"Gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight,
Take me through the darkness to the break of the day"

Lilly's pov

I am shocked. He kissed me, so passionately. I felt that kiss in every cell of my body and didn't want it to stop. Yet, I pulled away. Both of us were standing in front of eachother, not knowing what to do. "I did feel it, the night in the car.", I said as I broke the silence, "The fireworks my friends were talking about, I felt them. I turn so shy around you, I don't know why" I say softly while avoiding his eyes. "Charles I don't want to be your rebound, but I also don't want you to be my rebound, me and my ex broke up just before I went for my job interview and in the past months I did not date anyone. I just couldn't. I- I don't know why I'm telling this right after our first kiss. O gosh I'm ruining it. I should go check on my friends." I start to walk away when Charles catches up and stands before me. "Look, I know this is too soon. I still have to announce to the press that Char and I broke up, but I just can't not be with you. I want to be with you Lilly". I look him in the eyes, those picture perfect blue green eyes. "I- I want to be with you too" I stammer. He grabs my hands and pulls me in for a hug, wiping away my tears. "You didn't ruin it, it was perfect" I hear him say under his breath and giving a small kiss on my head, I can't help but smile.

"If we're going to do this for real we have to be extremely careful. The press don't know about the break up yet and I can't be spotted with you in public holding your hand or something. Luckily the Monagasque people are discreet but you never know." I nod while staying silent, "I promise to give you all the space you need to finish your PhD, I've actually never met such a smart woman before". I laugh at him trying to make me smile, but it works. "I think a lot of female engineers are even smarter", I chuckle and wink at him. 

"Ehm so I think we really need to head back in, my friends are probably worried where I am right now." Charles agrees and walks with me, hand in hand untill we come across more people again. He gets out his phone and looks at his insta. In the private story of his friends he sees a video of Arthur kissing with someone. He giggles and than looks better, "eh Lilly, isn't this one of your friends?" "OH MY GOD CHRISTIE, why is she always like this, I need to get in now to get her out of there before she goes making stupid decisions again. Wait, that is your brother right?". "I believe you just gave him a new nickname 'stupid decision', I love it", he says jokingly and you turn bright red. "It's fine, he is the same as your friend I guess so I better make sure he doesn't end up on the front page of some gossip magazine again". 

We both head in and agree to not interact with eachother too much. In the club I find Christie around Arthur, I take her hand and smile at Arthur while guiding her back to the rest. I turn around to look at Charles and he smiles at me, giving me a wink. Back at the group I turn to Christie "Do you have any idea who you just have been tongue wrestling with?", "Oeh why? Is he famous? Should I go back?" "No, that is Charles' brother and you're not going to use him, find someone else to entertain yourself with." The girls look at me in disbelieve "well and where have you been the past hour miss Gonzalez? Or shall we call you the misstress of LeClerc from now on?". I feel my blood boiling. I'm furious about this comment, how could they think of me like that. I decide to defence myself by typing in my phone for them: 'First, keep your voices down and secondly they broke up.' Jess looks in shock but smiles at me, giving me a reassuring nod. "So.. what about you guys?" Melissa asks with a smirks and a lot of hope in her eyes. "We are going to try to date without the media getting to know. Kind of exciting not?" They smile at me and Jess gives me a hug, whispering in my ear "I knew the second you two layed eyes on eachother it was meant to be, I am so happy for you and glad to see you happy again. You have your glow back". 

The rest of the night the girls and I stick together and have the best time. We dance, sing, do some shots and make the best memories together. Reality hits me, I'm moving away from them. I love them so much and wished they could stay longer. Sadly they are going to leave soon. When we go to the restroom we hear your song comming up. "Hurry girls we need to dance", the girls hurry and run out, hearing ABBA pounding through the speakers and sing as hard as we can "GIMME GIMME GIMME A MAN AFTER MIDNIGHT". My eyes meet Charles' and he raises his eyebrows at me. I give him a flirty look while he watches me dance. He gets out his phone and signs at me, so I do the same.

"If you don't watch out I'm taking you home with me, you can't be that attractive in public, I see the guys looking at you. Remember I'm gonna be your only man after midnight"

I giggle and give him a mischievous look while putting my phone away without replying. 

The clock turns 6.00 when we leave to go home. The sun is already coming up and we had decided to walk, drunk walks back home are the best. After an hour I'm finally in bed and get out my phone to text Charles.

"I'm home safe, sleeptight 😘"

I smile as I close my eyes, going back to the moment our lips met.

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