Chapter 42: Unfinished business

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Lilly's pov

I see Charlotte walking up to him. I throw down my shot without taking my eyes off her. She hasn't spotted me and Pierre on her route and I step out in front of her. I can see she's surprised. "Oh ehm, hi, how... how are you?" She is very surprised to see me but goes in for a hug. I roll my eyes and scoff "Don't act all nice and innocent, I saw you eyeballing him since the second we walked in." She gets nervous "Eh no, ehm, I just wanted to say hi. And ehm, ask how you guys been since you know, the last time I was there it wasnt quite good." I laugh "Are you fucking kidding me? I know you planned it all along." Her surprised look changes and a vague smile appears on her face. She gets closer to me, her voice deepens leaving all the nice acting in the air "It worked didn't it, you guys were broken up. Who says I can't make that happen another turn?" I feel intense rage taking over "Say one more thing about Charles or Charles and I and I will let you regret coming here tonight" She steps even closer and brushes my hair from my shoulder "Ow sweetie, I know he misses fucking me and he would have if he had the chance to do it that night, right in the same house you were happily asleep in the room next to us." She gives me a small push, I get furious and want to get at her but I suddenly get pulled away by Pierre. "Okay thats enough, stop, she's not worth it, dont lower yourself. Lets go." "Bye sweetie, see you soon again, we will invite you to our wedding" I hear Charlotte say again. Pierre turns around "Get lost Char before I also loose my temp-" I fly around him and am standing in front of her, inches away from her face. "If I hear your voice one more time I will fuck you completely up. Be wise and go home." She scoffs and throws her drink in my neck when I started to walk away. I turn around, ready to fight and she pushes me over attacking me and starts pulling my hair. It gets black before me eyes and I dont really know what happened but I hear Charles rushing over. "What the actual fuck, Lilly are you okay? What happened?" Charlotte is already gone.

Pierre helps me up "Dude, she's crazy. She was provoking Lilly so much, I'm surprised she could keep her calm that long. Lilly actually tried to walk away before things got worse. Her own fault." I brush off my clothes and start laughing when I see a bleeding scratch on my arm. The boys look at me confused. "I guess she won't be having just a little scratch" Pierre starts laughing too. "You looked like a MMA fighter with your right hit, she will definately have a black eye, at the minimum.." I start laughing even harder and Pierre has tears coming out of his eyes. Charles looks even more confused "I'm sorry I'm lost here. You have a fist fight, in a packed club, with my ex and you think thats funny?" Pierre tries to hold his laugh and I do too, Charles sounds very serious. "No no, very serious matter. Not funny at all" Pierre looks me in the eyes and I start wheezing. Charles seems to get aggitated and I look at Pierre for help "No the funny part is that she actually thought she had a chance, but than this kind of fighter instinct of Lilly kicked in. Charlotte looked genuinely so scared, it was hilarious, I saw instant regret in her eyes. I have to admit, it was kinda hot." "I think media wise this will not be funny. Have you thought of how this will be reflected on me by the media?" He seems kind of worried and angry and I fall silent. Shit I haven't, I haven't thought about anything actually. Pierre spots me getting concerned. "Relax, a lot of eyewitnesses that can confirm she started it all and just deserved all of it. Besides, the media and fandom love Lilly, maybe even more than they love you." He winks at me and I see Charles nodding and getting calmed down. We went home, the evening ended there for us. Carmen came up to me to ask if I was okay, she overheard a part of the conversation before Charlotte attacked me. When things got more heated she went to get Charles but Charlotte already started the fight.


Charles' pov

Carmen comes running up to me. "Charles you have to come now, Charlotte is starting a fight with Lilly!" What? I follow her and see Charlotte getting dragged out by security. Pierre helps Lilly up from the floor. How did this happen? I thought we had so much fun together, with just us, our friends. I didn't even spot Charlotte. I get to her and make sure she's okay. I believe she's fine because her and Pierre start laughing out of nowhere. I see a lot of people looking and than it hits me. This is gonna be a great article when we wake up tomorrow. I get concerned, what will the world say about her. And also about me... I know that's selfish to think but I'm always so cautious of my actions and she just recklessly had a barfight with my ex. That doesn't look good on anyone. We go home, party time is over. 

The next morning I wake up and smell my favorite breakfast. Pancakes! I go the the kitchen to find Lilly behind the pans. "I ehm, this is..., fucking stupid shit fuckery." I raise my eyebrows and she takes a deep breath. "I am so sorry, I have no idea what came over me... I should've walked away and think of you more. I am so so sorry." "So these are sorry pancakes?" she surpresses her smile "I think you can call it that." They taste so good. "Well I like the sorry pancakes, I think your pettytears make them taste a lot better." I joke at her. She throws a strawberry at me, but she smiles. I see a call coming in from my media manager. "Come give me a kiss." She quickly walks over and kisses me. "I don't care about it, I believe you tried to keep it civil. I'm just glad you're okay, I love you." I sigh and pick up the phone as I walk away to the balcony. 

"Charles, I don't know if this relationship is good for you, I mean your image..." "I know what it looked like but she really didn't do anything wrong..." "I understand but you have to realize that the media is blowing up about it." "Just, give it a day okay, we won't comment on it. I'm sure it will be fine tomorrow. I don't want to give up on her over something stupid she did one time, she knows better and will never do it again." I walk back to find an empty kitchen. "Lilly, where are you?" No responds. Carmen walks out the guestroom and whispers "Bedroom, tears. Say something nice to her." she walks to the kitchen and talks louder "Wow Lil, these pancakes smell great, you should come eat them with us babe!"


Lilly's pov

I overheard Charles talking with his media manager. His words indicate enough, I know what they said. Tears fill my eyes and I run to the bedroom, I hide myself under the covers trying to hold back my tears. I hear him walking in. "Baby..." "They want you to break up with me am I right?" he says nothing and I have a really hard time not to burst out crying. "They want a lot of things, that doesn't mean I listen to them." He joined me in my little tent of comfort and spooned me. "Yess, maybe it was not the best idea to fight with her, but I'm sure it will all be over soon and we have nothing to worry about." He kisses my shoulder. "All that matters is what we want, and I want to be with you, forever." I turn around and he kisses me. "You know what I want?" I look at him surprised "No, tell me" "I want someone to not fuck up the strategy for this year, but hey, we both know that might not be in it as well." I giggle. He strokes my cheek and kisses my forehead. "Let's just have fun today and we'll deal with it as it comes okay?" I nod. "Now I saw some delicious sorry pancakes on my way to here, you should really try them." I laugh and we go out. 

Carmen and George are in the kitchen and she comes up to me. She hugs me. "So I don't know what that was about but I can imagine, and that everyone is completely in the wrong. Look what happened. Everyone's defending you." She shows me a video someone took. It's clearly visible I tried to walk away, two times. She attacked me from behind and I basically gave her one really strong hit after she pushed me over. I know not to look at comments but I do it this time. Everyone is so positive and speaking highly off me. I get defended and my own phone blows up with messages if I'm okay. I look up at Charles and smile. Carmen has her arm around my shoulder "Now Charlotte posted some video of her version of the story, she does have a nasty black eye. But after that someone posted this video that completely countradicts everything she said. The internet is going crazy over her, in a bad way." Charles winks at me. "See, everything would be allright. Now let's just eat together and get out on the water and have an amazing day."


Charles' pov

Lilly comes to the next race weekend. We walk to the entrance and a lot of fans are waiting for me. "I can get you to the hospitality with someone of my team via a more private passage if you want?" She shakes her head but clings to my arm as we walk further. They are also rooting for her and a smile forms around her lips. I like this, seeing her happy. To my surprise she doesn't stand on the side and waits for me but she goes to the other side with fans and interracts with them. They take pictures with her and she comes up to me with her arms filled with caps and shirts for me to sign. I quickly sign and give her a wink. She runs back and to my surprise she remembered exactly who gave what to her. I don't even do that although I try my best. I get called to hurry and we quickly go. She runs back to me and I put my arm around her shoulder. "That was sweet of you." She smiles at me "I thought I could do something back to them, as a thanks for choosing my side. I'm gonna be the best wag they've ever seen!" I laugh and kiss her head as we walk through the paddock together.   

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