day 1 - cont'd

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   What I said earlier wasn't so far from the truth. Upon arriving at the hotel, I fell straight into bed, and didn't get out until 6 pm. I almost felt a bit guilty for sleeping the whole day, but after all those schedules I really needed it. Besides, I didn't miss any official meetings, and it isn't even a must that I meet up with Bladee today.

   Right, my meeting with Bladee.

   I would love to avoid having a one-on-one with him not just today, any time in the future, but I know that's not an option for me right now. After some serious thinking, I realized it would probably only make me look worse if I ignored seeing him today at all, and that I have to face him sooner or later. With this in mind, I picked up my phone and sent my 100-times-rephrased text message to the number he gave me.

hi, this is Anja! i'm sorry for the late message,

is it still possible for us to have the meeting today?

   The reply came faster than expected.

Ye sure, come to the 8th floor balcony when you can

   I would be lying if I said I knew what place he's talking about, but I'm sure I can find it somehow.

   I took a deep breath and exhaled for a good 10 seconds, before starting to get ready.

   Turns out there is a huge bar and cafe located on the 8th floor of our hotel with a nicely decorated balcony, which look stunning in the light of the setting sun.

   Although the place is rather crowded, it isn't hard for me to spot Bladee's messy curls. A little nervous, I walk up to his table.

"Is this seat taken?" I ask, unintentionally quoting him from our previous meeting today, which he seems to recall as well.

"Yes of course" he answers, with a cheeky expression on his face. 

   I have a theory that this man is enjoying my suffering, but that's still better than if he was acting cold. I sit down across from him, acknowledging his amazing joke with a smile.

"So," I speak up. "Hi."


"I'm sorry I wasn't available earlier, I didn't have a chance to sleep before the morning meeting, so I was pretty much useless" I deliver my monologue while trying to keep eyecontact, but for some reason I am so intimidated, my eyes keep shifting to the potted plants behind Bladee. On top all, his futuristic shaped sunglasses just add more to his distant and mysterious vibe.

"No worries" he answers in a relaxed way. "I can understand. Since the Director only scheduled our meeting for tomorrow, I doubt we would have to do much today."

"But you asked to meet up today?" I look at him a bit confused.

"Yeah I mean, I think it helps a lot to know the person you are collaborating with" he takes a sip of his drink, which I suppose includes alcohol. "So, since we haven't met before, I thought we should get to know each other more than what google can tell."

   All of a sudden I'm not sure what to say. Of course his words make sense, but I find the situation just as pressuring as exciting. I always look at new people I work with as someone I can learn from, and I already know how intriguing Bladee's artistry is for me. But exactly because of how long I've been keeping up with his music, I feel an inbalance between us. I try to let go of my preconceptions about him, but his character still seems to be obscure either way.

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