day 4.

137 3 7

author's note:

hi! it's me again, i'm alive and a couple days ago i got a sudden inspiration to finally write this part so... here it is. :))  these scenes were basically the reason i came up with the whole thing, so i hope you nice people will like it a lot! it makes me very happy to see you enjoying the story, thank you for reading and take care! <3


   I don't know why, but somehow I've never thought about the fact that Bladee and I would be photographed together. Like... he and I on the same picture. The idea of establishing the concept together is fine, embodying it separately, sure. But I didn't consider having to be close to each other and posing and all that. I feel like both of us have to get used to this situation.

"Okay, now let's see you guys facing each other," shouts the man behind the camera.

   Bladee and I turn almost in sync, the camera clicks again and again. I adjust my position in small details after each click, while he stands still like a stone. On previous shoots, I've only worked with other models, so his clueless stillness almost makes me chuckle.

   I look back at the camera, without anyone instructing me to do so.

"What are you doing?" Bladee asks next to me.

"Your side profile is prettier than mine," I state simply. "I don't want to see both in the same picture."

   I can't see much of his reaction, but it feels like he forgot to breathe for a moment there.

"Alright," says our photographer. "5 minutes break, then we move on to the next concept."

"Yes, sir!" I nod, making my way towards the door right away.

"Wait!" calls Bladee after me. "Where are you going?"

"To grab snacks from the vending machine downstairs. Wanna join?"

"Sure thing."

"Hmm... do I feel like sweet or salty right now?" I murmur to myself eyeing the variety of unhealthy food, with Bladee and a couple of other coworkers lining up behind me.

"Just get both if you can't choose," suggests Bladee.

"Brilliant idea, my friend." I quickly feed my change into the machine and take a step back with my collection of snacks. Bladee follows, with his gaze basically glued to me. I stop and stare back at him confused. "What?"

"What what?"

"You look like you have something to say."

"Do I?" he ponders on my question, while I just stand there in silence until he finally confesses. "I'm just trying to figure out why you are so different today."

"Different in what way?"

"In a weird way..."

I chuckle, surprised at his words. "Weird? You have to be more specific than that."

"I mean good weird, of course..." he looks around, avoiding eye contact. "Dunno, you just seem kind of frisky and carefree, I just can't explain why."

   Wow, since Bladee has this rather quiet and reserved look, I never expected him to read people so well. Needless to say, he cares enough to bring it up and be so straightforward about it? Completely out of character. Maybe my weird mood is infectious.

"Do you always have an explanation for how you feel?" I ask rhetorically. To be honest, I'm not sure what is up with me today either, but I did wake up having this feeling right away. Maybe it's the weather, maybe I had a nice dream last night... "Besides, did you forget that this is what I do for a living? I am truly in my element today since we are doing a photoshoot."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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