day 3.

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"Wait, don't move!" he commands me while taking a step closer, his hand reaching to my face. 

I shut my eyes, nervously waiting for whatever is to come. His fingertips brush against my cheek for a brief moment.

"Got it."

I take a look at the eyelash resting between his fingers. He looks down at me with the softest smile I've ever seen.


My eyes pop open to the sudden sound of the alarm. I clumsily try to turn it off in my half-conscious state, feeling like someone caught red-handed. After succeeding I stare at the ceiling blankly.

Why on Earth would he appear in my dream? And especially like this?

I stretch my body from head to toe while yawning uncontrollably. Man, I'm too tired for this and today won't be relaxing at all. Appointment after appointment after appointment...

Before I could begin to ponder on my tasks for the day, Jo's calling ID appears on my phone. I reach over to pick it up.

"Good morning ma'am!" I greet her sleepily.

"Good morning Anja, you want to stop for a coffee on the way to the studio?" she asks, but deep down I'm sure she knows the answer already.

"Of course I do."

"Okay, then we're leaving in 30 minutes. Be ready by then!" she orders me.

"Roger that," and I hang up, climbing out of the bed as fast as I can.

"... so the meeting shouldn't take that long, we might have time after this and before the makeup team to grab lunch somewhere," Jo explains our day in great detail, while I hold the warm cups of coffee tightly. "After makeup it's hair, and lastly the stylists. But don't forget, I won't be with you at the stylist, since I'm meeting with people from the agency."

"Right," I nod. Jo continues to share some plans as we get out of the car, and make our way into the studio's building.

There are surprisingly many people inside. Jo tells me she's off to do her business, heading to the room at the back, so I walk up to Bladee already sitting at the usual big meeting table.

"Good morning!" I greet him.

"Good morning!" he looks up at me, seemingly in a bright mood today.

I place a coffee cup in front of him. "This one's for you."

He takes a look at the cup, then at me, and at the cup again. "I don't like coffee."

"You... don't... what?"

I'm always shocked by the news that there are people in this world, who do not enjoy the beautiful experience of consuming coffee. I mean, I respect it, but I could never be one of them.

"I appreciate the gesture nonetheless," says Bladee kindly.

I clear my throat and take the cup back. "In that case... Jo!" I run to the other room, so I can give it to her and not waste it.

I walk back to the table and take a seat next to my project partner. It looks like he is trying to hide the fact that I made him laugh with my little skit, but I act like I didn't notice. I take a glimpse at Bladee's hair, which is pinned back on the sides with some shorter locks left free at the front, gracefully framing his face. He suddenly turns towards me, his gaze meeting mine for a brief moment. The picture of him from my dream pops up in my head. I look away in surprise.

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