Chapter: 16 Plan in Action

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It was only a day until the resention struck again they were at the abandoned factory. We rushed out the door and we had to get captured but no one can get hurt we lured the resention away from the factory because it had Dangerous chemicals and when we did we got captured. We woke up with a foggy memory and in a room with hundreds of cages and there were spirits inside with tubes hooked to them and there was glowing goo inside them I looked around and saw Mya and Atlantia in cages as well but me and Mya were chained so we couldn't bend. Atlantia on the other had was just sitting there in her cage we just had to stay to get information and we were already on a roll we know how they get the spirit energy so we could escape and save the spirits and figure out who the EverEnder is and how he got Gengis's sword.

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