Merlin's life summary

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Centuries ago, a young witch named Merlin worked for King Arthur in a castle. At that time, the king's sister, Morgana, tried to kill the king, and this started a war between herself and her brother. In this war, unfortunately, the king is killed and because Merlin, the servant and friend of King Arthur, was very angry about this incident, he killed Morgana.
After that, Camelot's soldiers had won and there were more of them, but what was the point that there was no more king... And Merlin and the other soldiers returned to Camelot and told Queen Gwen of the king's death.
It was there that Merlin decided to write down his life and include the story of the just and merciful king, as well as the court physician Gaius and his friends Sir Lancelot, Sir Gwen and... Merlin never married and for the rest of Camelot's life He served and tried to learn the science of witchcraft for centuries and until the end of his life and added what he had learned to his book. But now, centuries have passed since that time and it is not known whose hand Merlin's memories are or where they are? But we will understand!
Do you believe in doppelganger? Or rebirth?

I will introduce you to the two faces of this story:
Max (Merlin's face)
Maita (Morgana's face)

Enjoy the Story.

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