Part 2 - The first meeting

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Next day in the University

Today is a new day and I have to focus so that I don't make mistakes. The facade of the university is beautiful and it seems that this university is bigger than the previous one. I was very confused by the appearance of the building, and when I was going up the stairs, I suddenly bumped into someone and threw her things on the floor, some sheets of paper and two books were lying on the floor. I bent down to help her. +Oh God, I'm really sorry, she smiled a little and said it's okay, I'll collect them. Her bright green eyes captivated me. She was really beautiful. She noticed my look and looked at me and said: Umm, Are you new here ?
And I was confused and told her "no,I mean, first day", we both got up from the floor, she seems kinda sad , but lovely, after a long pause, I told her, "I'm Max" and shook her hand, and she replied, "nice to meet you , Max." I'm Maita",
+I'm glad to see you, Maita
and there was silence between us again, Maita broke the silence and said, "I'm sorry, but my class starts in five minutes and I have to go." she left, I was following her with my eyes, suddenly I remembered that I should be in class too , the teacher will come whenever possible, so I went to the hall and tried to find my class, I looked around but I didn't know which class was mine!
I looked at my watch, after asking one of the students I was able to finally find my class, I tried to calm my fast breathing, I took a deep breath, I knocked on the door and went inside. Oh my god, it's embarrassing. All the students were staring at me and the teacher had stopped teaching and was waiting for me to speak. I said: "Hello...umm...class...I...just arrived...teacher" He straightened his glasses and said: "So why now? You came too late!"I heard little laughing there It was really embarrassing, I didn't know what to say. In the end, I justified myself and apologized, and then I introduced myself and went to sit in my seat.
But before I sat down, I saw a familiar face, it was Maita, she was looking at me, I gave her a short smile and she answered back with a smile, I didn't think I would see her in class and lose myself in front of her like this! What a day today, oh God!


The class was over, I was gathering my things, I looked at Max at the same time, he took his bag very upset and left the class, I tried to quickly gather my things and I took my bag and went to the exit and found Max and said to him: +"Hey!"
-"Oh hey!"
+"How was the class?"
-"It wasn't bad (smile)"
+"Look, Max, you have to know one thing, the students here don't treat anyone well." When I said this, he grinned and said:
-Do you think that my problem is the students? I have always tolerated this behavior. Today was supposed to go well, but I screwed up! even...
+even what?
-I was really embarrassed even in front of you!
+No, don't think like that, why are you late to class?
-Well, to be honest, I didn't know which class it was!
Well, why didn't you ask me?
He kept silent and smiled a little and didn't say anything. I've never seen someone so friendly, maybe because he doesn't know anything about me. I said goodbye to Max and got into the car...Today was not like the other days, as if I was a bit happy, I don't know why, but I felt it.

After completing a series of projects, I tried to rest a bit, I laid down on the bed and something came to my mind!
Those thoughts were nothing but Max! He was really attractive, attractive body, black hair, eyes that were blue like the color of the ocean, oh no Maita, get rid of those thoughts, you only saw him once!poof!!
I was thinking about the same things when my phone notification rang
I looked and was surprised to see that Max had requested me on Facebook, my God, I was so excited and I felt that he must have found my name with difficulty! Very well, sir! I accept your friend request, but not now!
Although I really wanted to, but I had to wait. To be honest, it is very difficult for a person like me to trust people, especially the attractive ones!haha!
I was laughing so loud, my mom might doubt me, of course I didn't do anything bad, but this change might be strange for her!
Yesterday I was grumbling and today I am happy
Finally, after half an hour, I couldn't bear it and accepted his friend request!
A few minutes had not passed when he sent a message and
said: Hey!

Happy reading ^^

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