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Lando was woken up by Sebastian as the plane landed, the sleepy boy dragged himself and his luggage out of the airport after passing the security checks. He sniffled for a minute, his eyes half closed. A lot of the others had just woken up as well. This included Daniel, Alex and Mick. Mick was clinging onto Seb, Alex onto George and Daniel onto Max. This made Lando feel lonely because he really wanted to feel Carlos' touch right now. He didn't care if it meant he was clingy. Charles glanced at Lando, feeling slightly bad for the Brit but not saying anything. Seb promised Lando he could go in the car with him as they made their way to their rented house for the Austin weekend.

There were some different matchings for this trip, it was around an hour and a half long.

Car 1: Seb, Lando, Mick, Esteban, Zhou

Car 2: Lewis, Alex, George, Daniel, Max 

Car 3: Kevin, Fernando, Yuki, Pierre, Nicholas

Car 4: Valtteri, Checo, Lance, Charles

Seb drove, Lando in the passenger seat with Mick in the middle at the back and the other two next to him.

Lewis drove, no one wanting to be in the passenger seat and everyone squeezing into the back. George sat next to Alex. Daniel next to Max. The Australian and Thai drivers had squeezed themselves into the middle. The older Brit didn't object this idea and just let them do it. He knew his car would be moderately quiet for once because Daniel was sleepy. He was always loud and Alex was sleepy too. This meant that everyone would be quite quiet so that they could sleep.

Kevin drove, as usual, and Fernando was in the passenger seat. Yuki sat in the middle of the backseat and the other two next to him. Pierre wanted to sing but last time Fernando had screamed at him so he was quiet. Yuki too. Nicholas was never really that loud and would just look out of the window and admire the scenery even though they were in a car.

Valtteri was driving, Checo in the passenger seat and the other two sitting in the back. They had the most spacious car so it could perfectly fit the luggage. Especially since Charles brought loads. Lance was a bit like Nicky, watching the scenery except he had a tendency to comment on everything he saw.

Seb was a bit tired but kept driving anyways, Lando had fallen asleep beside him and his head kept falling forward so Sebastian kept trying to move it back up so his neck wouldn't ache. It wasn't working so he just gave up. Mick had fallen asleep with his head falling onto Esteban's shoulder, the Frenchman didn't mind and let him do it. Zhou glanced over and chuckled slightly but continued to scroll through Instagram on his phone.

Daniel had fallen asleep in an uncomfortable position so Max had moved him so he was pretty much cuddled up into his side. George took a sneaky picture and grinned, sending it to Daniel for when he woke up. Though he couldn't say much because Alex was doing the exact same thing. Max took a picture in return and sent it to Alex. Hopefully this wouldn't cause much of an argument. Fortunately, Lewis saw them both do it.

"Both of you delete those pictures now. And delete the messages." He said sternly.

"Sorry Lewis." George and Max said in unison and they instantly deleted the messages.

Kevin's car was dead silent. Honestly, nothing interesting was happening because Pierre and Yuki were too scared to sing their heart's out when Fernando and Kevin were there. Surely they would yell at them again. So they kept quiet.

It was similar in Valtteri's car. cept Charles was singing along to the radio. It wasn't that annoying and he was entertaining himself so it was fine in their rulebooks.

Meanwhile, Lando started twitching a bit in his sleep. He made a small sound that sounded a bit like a whimper. Seb noticed this and would keep an eye on it to see if it would continue. It was probably just him dreaming.


I looked around, in a bedroom. I was sure I wasn't in a bedroom earlier. I was in a car? Maybe Seb had taken me in because I was asleep. I began to look around. Cautiously, I pulled my bed covers up and observed my surroundings.

"Hello?" I called out softly. There was no reply. An uncomfortable shiver shot down my spine and I bit my lip.

"HELLO?" I called out again, starting to panic. A small whimper escaped my lips and I opened the door, I saw Carlos in front of me. He was covered in thick blood, a warm liquid ran down his head. I almost choked on air for a moment. He didn't speak, just stared at me. Black goo oozed out of his eyes, his veins popping. He was acting a strange decorum.

"Please don't hurt me!" I begged but it was too late, he lunged for my throat and shoved me to the ground. Tears began to stream down my face, I was crying ridiculously hard at this point. I needed to scream but I couldn't, his strong grip fastened around me neck and I could only watch as darkness began to take me.


I jolted awake, panting, I was in the car and Sebastian was shaking me. Tears burnt my eyes and I couldn't stop them.

"Lando! It's okay! It was just a nightmare!" The German insisted but I couldn't hold back. We were outside the house and everyone was staring at me. I could just feel their eyes glaring at me. I took quick, hollow breaths as Seb tried to get me to listen to his breathing. Eventually, I copied his heart's patterns and calmed down. I was still exhausted but refused to sleep now. I couldn't. Not after what had just happened...

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