The Jeweled Touch

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Once upon a time in a grand kingdom far away, there lived a beautiful queen named Rarity and her little sister, Princess Sweetie Belle. The Queen ruled her kingdom fairly and kindly, but the kingdom itself was always a little short of cash and she wanted to help, but she hadn't a clue.

One lovely spring day as she was walking through the royal gardens, Queen Rarity happened upon a strange sight. It was a small dragon with purple and green scales laying sound asleep in her rose bushes.

"Oh my! Where did you come from?" The Queen asked, gently nudging the dragon awake.

"Wha-huh? What happened? How long was I out?" The dragon asked before noticing the Queen standing over him.

"Hello there, little one. Are you alright?" Queen Rarity asked.

"Me? Oh, I'm fine." The dragon replied.

"Good. Now, would you care to tell me who you are and what you're doing in my garden?"

"Your garden?" The dragon rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked around. He blushed at the Queen. "Oh! Uh, sorry about that. My name is Sir Spike. I had a big lunch and I guess I fell asleep. I didn't mean to trespass."

"Oh, it's quite alright."

"And you know what? To make up for it? Why don't I grant you a wish?"

Queen Rarity's eyes widened. "A wish?!"

"That's right! Name your wish and you shall have it."

"Oh, that sounds wonderful! But what could I possibly wish for?" The Queen thought for a moment, and then it came to her. "Is there a way I can help make my kingdom richer? We were always a bit short of bits."

"More money for your people? Okay then. What kind of money would you like? We have dollars, gold, silver, jewels..."

"Oooh, jewels! Jewels, please! I adore gems!"

"Very good. We've got jeweled crowns, jeweled shoes, jeweled eyes, Jeweled Touch..."

"Wait, wait, wait! What was that last one?"

"Jeweled touch?"

"Yes! Yes, that's the one!"

"Ah, excellent choice! Now hold still, this won't hurt a bit."

Sir Spike then flapped his wings, flew up closer to the Queen's face, took a deep breath, and blew a tiny bit of fire onto her horn. He smiled and floated back down to the ground.

"There we go. Now you have the Jeweled Touch." He said proudly. "If you ever need me again, just call me and I'll be here faster than you can say 'salsa verde'. Okay?"

"Um, alright then. Thank you." The Queen said.

And with that, Sir Spike flapped his wings again and flew off, leaving Queen Rarity alone with her thoughts and her new Jeweled Touch. She glanced up at her horn, wondering how this Jeweled Touch thing worked. But that was when her younger sister, the Princess, walked up to her.

"Everything alright, big sis?" Princess Sweetie Belle asked.

"Hm? Oh yes, yes. Everything is fine little sister." The Queen replied. "I'm just wondering how this Jeweled Touch works."

"Jeweled what now?" The filly questioned.

Then the Queen looked around her rose garden. "I suppose there's only one way to find out."

She activated her magic and when the tip of her horn touched one of the beautiful red roses, the flower instantly transformed. It had sparkling ruby petals and an emerald stem. The two ponies gasped in shock.

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