Chapter Twenty Eight: Just Don't Come Back

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Phil and Techno gasped at the mark that was forever cemented on Tommy's skin. It was a mark that no one should have to bear. "Toms..." Phil started forward to hug the boy, but he tensed. "Don't call me that. Only my brothers can call me that." Phil looked hurt, but he said nothing. Tommy examined the mark for a moment more before sliding his sleeve back over it. Then, he walks back into the ring and picks up the powerless robot, putting it back in the corner where it belongs. "Tommy, you fight well. Like really well. Where did you learn?" Tommy shrugged. "Come on Tommy, I know aren't best friends right now, but we're still brothers." Techno tried. "You wouldn't believe me if I said." Tommy answered. "Come on, just say it!" Techno persisted. "Okay fine. I taught myself." Techno looked at him smiling. When he saw the look in Tommy's eyes, he became serious. "Are you serious?" Tommy nodded. "Tommy, I don't know how you know how to do all that. I mean, those moves are super advanced. You're amazing!" Techno praised. Not really sure what to say in reply, Tommy uttered a small thanks before turning on his heel. "You really weren't supposed to see that." Techno and Phil hurried to follow the young blonde back to the meeting room. "Well, I'm glad I did. If we have the mighty Theseus to protect us, there's no way we lose!" Though they couldn't see it, Tommy's face contorted at his words. Little did they know that Theseus wouldn't live long enough to help them. After his little mission, Theseus wouldn't be coming back.

The three returned to the meeting room with less tension between them, though Tommy was still wary. More people had arrived, from heroes to villains, and everyone was eying each other warily, which helped to keep Tommy's distrust hidden. His breathing quickened, and he hurriedly sat down next to Tubbo and Ranboo. Tubbo seemed to notice his breathing and pulled him into a hug, not enough to feel suffocating, but enough to comfort Tommy. He wrapped his arms around the smaller brunette, and the two sat like that for a few seconds. From inside the warmth of the hug, Tommy couldn't see the looks of hurt on his birth family's faces.

After a few seconds, the two parted, and Tommy acted like nothing ever happened. He did however, hold Tubbo's hand beneath the table, gently squeezing it to calm both his and Tubbo's nerves. Realising he needed to get the room under control, Tommy looked at where to start. He decided with the villains. He knew all of the villains in the room personally, whereas he didn't really know any of the heroes. He tried to stay as far away from heroes as possible for obvious reasons.

"Dream! Go get Drista or something, but for god's sake quit your arguing!" Tommy started. Dream looked up, ashamed he had been told off by a fifteen year old, and ran off to get his sister. "Manifold, I already told you, no one wants to buy a gun. I thought I already established that these are the heroes we are talking about." Manifold looked around for a second before hiding all his guns within the folds of his specially crafted coat. The heroes looked among themselves, wondering who this boy was to order around the biggest villains. Suddenly, another person walked into the room. "Corpse! Nice to see you could make it!" Tommy stood up and performed their secret handshake with him before giving him a hug and pulling him over to sit next to him. Once again, his birth family cringed at his willingness to give a hug to the biggest villain of all time rather than his own family. The room became suffocatingly quiet. Dream arrived back with Drista and Tommy cleared his throat. Here goes nothing.

"Alright, it looks like everyone is here. As you know, we plan to take down the hero committee. As a hero, you may not know the cruelty of the committee, besides drunk work days or some other minor offence. But I can assure you, as someone who has experienced their true cruelty, the committee is much worse than you could ever believe." He rolled up his sleeve to show the same tattoo he had shown Phil and Techno earlier. "They will fight hard. They will be strong. With this group of people, I believe we are stronger. But we need to make a plan." He looked around the room at all the faces calmly awaiting his next words. His anxiety spiked, and Tubbo gently squeezed his hand, pulling him back to reality. He nodded a small thanks to Tubbo as he continued. "From now on, we are a team. No matter if you are a hero, villain, or vigilante, we need to take them down. Any ideas are appreciated. Let's get to work!"

Several hours of planning later, Tommy felt his eyes beginning to droop. "Hey Purp, do you mind if Tubbo, Ranboo and I stay the night?" He asked. "No problem Tommy. You guys can take the living room if that's alright." Tommy nodded. "Thanks. You're the best." People were beginning to pack up and leave, and Tommy walked back into the room, ready to bid them farewell. What he didn't expect was to be pulled into the hallway by Wilbur. He tried to hug Tommy, but he flinched away, ignoring Wilbur's hurt look. "Toms, what's wrong?" Wilbur tried. "Don't call me that." He was angry with Wilbur, but he couldn't understand why. "What do you mean?" Tommy looked down. He shouldn't be angry. "I mean exactly what I said. Don't call me that. Only my brothers can call me that." He turned to go back to the meeting room, but Wilbur grabbed his wrist, pulling him back. Bad move. Instincts kicked in, and within seconds, Wilbur was on the floor in pain. Realising he had hurt Wilbur, he rushed to use his healing powers on the brunette, calmly healing anything that may have been sore before he started walking to the door again. Acknowledging his mistake last time, Wilbur called out. "Tommy, wait." Tommy slowly turned around, his eyes scanning Wilbur, assessing him for a threat. When he found none, he turned all the way around and faced him. "Listen, Tommy, I just want to know why you won't give us another chance. Techno and Phil are trying really hard to make it up to you." Tommy stared at him blankly. "Come on Tommy." Wilbur said, starting to get annoyed. "It's your fault anyway. You left. You didn't ever even think about coming back. Now you want pity from us in order to help you take down the committee. This is all your fault and Techno and Phil are beating themselves up over it. If you never left, you never would have gone there. I don't like to see my family like this Tommy. You are making my family fall apart." His words were quick and unsettling, but Tommy didn't even react. He continued to stare at him, and finally, he jolted out of it. He almost looked like he was having a conversation in his own head. "Listen Tommy, once this is done, I don't want you to come back. You're tearing this family apart, and that's where I draw the line." He watched as Tommy's face twisted. "Don't worry Wilbur." He spoke with venom in every word. "I won't be coming back from this little mission of ours. Have you ever heard the story of Theseus?" Wilbur shook his head, a little scared of how serious Tommy sounded, and Tommy laughed an emotionless laugh. "Maybe ask Techno about it. I have to go spend some time with my brothers." He emphasized the word 'brothers' before he turned on his heel and left the hallway, headed off to who knows where.

Tommy was shaking. So even though he had already been there that morning, he walked to the gym. This time, he didn't even turn on the robot to fight, instead, he just stuck to the punching bags. He punched in rhythm, letting his mind let go of all the bad thoughts that ran through it. He didn't take this time for granted. He was laser focused, and that was how he liked to be.


Sorry, this part is definitely shorter than normal, but I had to make it kind of short to make it fit the story line. Hope you enjoyed, see you all later, yeah? Bye! <3

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