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Later that day Angel is brought to the Investigator. Angel says in her head "An Investigater why now? I have been so careful up until now Wolf my love i'll protect you I won't let them hurt you even if I have to kill everyone in all realities no one will ever hurt you" Once face to face with the Investigater Angel says "Hello Mr Investigater I hear you wish to speak with me about something?" The Invesitgator says "Yeah there's something I wish to ask you I have some questions regarding the recent Vampire attacks and the Mystery Vampire incident" Angel says in her head "He knows he has to die but not now in a hidden area that's best" Angel says "I woulden't mind answering your questions Investigator but not in public it's bad for a Hero like me to be doing this in public" The Investigator says "Of course let's go somewhere more private" The two of them leave they go to a private room away from the public. Angel says in her head "Should I kill them now? No it's best to find out what he knows first" The Investigator says "So I should let you know that you are not being brought in for any crimes I want to know your connection to the Mystery Vampire" Angel says "I killed the Mystery Vampire and took ownership of the Twelve Rulers territory" The Investigator says "I don't belive that's the case mis Angel I have come to belive that your Mystery Vampire was a fake it that true?" Angel says in her head "He knows about that?" Angel says "I thought it was the Mystery Vampire I still do are you sure it's not?"

Rise of a Monster Book 5 Wolf AwakensWhere stories live. Discover now