My Sweetest Man

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I roll over and look at my alarm clock, 3:30 as always. i turn and stare at my celling looking at all the stars me and Erin glued when we first moved in five years ago. Sure some fell down but i always put them back up and remembering that funny day we had.

I just smiled at them. glowing in the dark. I snapped out of my memory and stared at the clock again, 3:32. 

Ugh.... i might as well get up.

I took the covers off me and went to my closet. Luckly it wasnt far away. I grabed my blue shorts and a my favorite black sweatshirt that said I love L.A. on it, and my black converse and went to the bathroom and changed.

I looked in the mirror and grabbed my hair clipped and put my hair up. Of corse it was messy it was still what, 3:40? 

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a chocolate chip muffen, and sat at the counter. When i was done i looked at the clock and saw it was 3:50.

SHIT!!! I grabbed my keys and ran to the car and drove tot he beach. It's never open till 8, but no one is around to see me.

I arived at the beach. looked at the clock, 3:58. i turned the car off and jogged to life guard station number 2 and sat infront of it close enought to the shor line but able to not get wet from the waves.

I stared off into the water, grabbed my necklace and just sat ther for hours just looking at all the waves crash on the sand, breaking shells. It was so peacefull. I saw the sun coming up from the water and i started crying.

I couldnt help it. It always happens. Once my eyes water the drops just fall and i end up not wipping my eyes cause theirs so many tears. 

Soon the sun was high enough that people started to arive. The more higher it got the more poeple that showed. as soon as the noise got loud enough i wipped my eyes and got up and went to my car. I was walking by two girls and couldnt helo but over hear their conversation. they were all jumpy  and way to over excited.

"OMG JESS I CANT BELIVE THEIR COMNG HERE!!!" said the brownd hair girl

"I WANT TO GO TO THEIR CONCERT!!!!!!!!" said the blond friend

"Ill go and order them now!!!!" the brown hair girl said again.

All of a sudden i hear them scream and lose control. they must have got their tickets then, i wounder who was coming.......

I got into my car and drove back home to Erin. I entered the apartment and saw Erin sitting on the couch staring at the t.v. She was to invovled in her cereal that she didnt notice i came home. Its even noon and shes eating breakfast!

I went to the bathroom and took a shower and changeed into a tank top and the same blue shorts. Blow dried my hair and then pluged in my straightner. I walked to the fridge and got some juice.I turned around and saw Erin looking at me sad. 

"Did you go?" as she looked worried

"yes, almost missed it but i got their intime." i replied

"Good, out of these five years i'v nown you i know this day hurts the most." she said trying to confort me.

I felt the tears coming again, and my throat started to get achy. I turned around and said, "i know" as best as i could. Erin came around the counter put her bowl in the sink and hugged me tightly. I couldnt help but have a tear fall from my face. As she let go i wiped it away.

"Now, lets watch some t.v" Erin said trying to take my mind off of today.

We sat on the couch and i grabbed the blanket and put it on me as i put my feet on the coffee table. Erin turned the channel to MTV and saw that they were doing a special on some boy band. Erin loved them but she wasnt the one to fangirl and scream at them when someone said their name or cry when she went to their concert on one of her vacations a couple years ago.

"look Sam! their going to go on tour and their performing here!"

"who is?" 

"One Direction!"

"wait, are they the boy band that have girls screaming all over them?"

"yep, kind of sad really, i'd hate to be them and deal with screaming girls all time"

" yeah, but lets hope that your not one Erin!" she just laughed in my face

"i just hope YOU dont fangirl over them Sam!"

"is Erin making a bet" i said convinced.

"OHHHHHHh YES! i bet that you'll fangirl before i scream out of controll"

"DEAL!" i shouted back. soon enough she went and bought tickets. luckly we got the last ones before it was sold out.

"whens the concert?" i asked

"innnn...... 3 days" she said suprised

"looks like we better study their songs Erin"

"I dont have to! i allready know them all! looks like more work for you to do in teh next few days" she said cocky

I ran into my room and went on my computer to study all their songs, names, and anything else i needed to know. 

3 days was when my life changed.....


Well this is my first story is it good so far? do you now what happened to Sam a couple years ago? dont worry the boys will come in next chapter ;)

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