Lõve ãnd Hatred begins(3)-

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"Please bring the paste I prepared. Fast! I don't want him to die."
"Oh my god! He's not opening his eyes! What should I do?"
Then Lisa got an idea
"Let me give him a CPR. This is the only way I can save him."

Lisa was too stressed to think of anything but CPR

She placed her lips on his thinking that maybe he will open his eyes because she loved her in the first sight as she read in fairytales...

"What are you doing lady!?!?!???? Have you gone mad? Don't you know this is a sin to kiss a man without his permission?
"Do you even have some digni-"

Jungkook was cut off by Lisa

"My name is Lisa."

"Sir, i was just giving you kiss to save your life. And moreover why should I kiss a person who's not so attractive. And moreover who the hell are you and what are you doing in my kingdom???"

"I am Jeon Jungkook. The emperor of Seoul... And moreover I came here to acquire the Abernethy pearl for my wife Rosé"

"You have a wife??"

"Yes I do...."

"Oh! I thought you are single"

"Why, Why do you care? Aren't you married?"

"No I am not...."
Lisa said with a tinted smile trying to hide her jealousy.

"Lisa said with a tinted smile trying to hide her jealousy

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Just then Jungkook saw the paintings on the wall..

"Oh my gawwwwwddddd! Who's this? Is this really you? I mean you look so beautiful I can't believe"

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"Oh my gawwwwwddddd! Who's this? Is this really you? I mean you look so beautiful I can't believe"

"What do you mean u can't believe? It's me ofc can't you see me . It has the same face..."

Jungkook smiled
This sent Lisa butterflies in her stomach

"Whatever"Jungkook smiledThis sent Lisa butterflies in her stomach

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"Why is he so hot and beautiful? I wish I could marry him. But unfortunately he has a wife... "
Lisa thought sadly to herself....

"Well you were talking about the Abernethy pearl? Well let me tell you... It is only one in this entire world. And that is on my crown with which I will be coronated."

"What?!? Now what will I tell Rosé? She really wants that pearl and if I go empty handed she will think that I don't love her."
Jungkook said sadly

"Maybe I can help you Jungkook sir"

"What? How?"

"After I get crowned I can give you the pearl. Then you can impress your wife and prove your love for her "

"No! Pls don't do that. You have already done much for me, I don't want you to be in trouble"

''It's okay. My father has always taught me to help others... And moreover it's my duty to help our neighbours, Jungkook sir"

"Don't call me Jungkook sir, and moreover you are really beautiful. I was just kidding to tease you"

Lisa blushed and left..

Jungkook POV:

Why do I feel as if I am falling in love with her? She is just so beautiful with a pure heart... But I also have a wife whom I love so much....... And it's unfair if I fall in love with Lisa.... And moreover idk if she likes me back or not..

Lisa POV:

God he is so irresistible!!! But I can't love him. I have to stop that, he also has a wife whom he loves so much and risked his live to get her a pearl....

They both kept their thoughts in their hearts.
Two brains but same thought

This is LOVE

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