Chapter Three: A Free Lunch

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"Hands down its gotta be Evil Dead." Brody said, slapping the table."

"Which one?" Louis asked.

"Two obviously."

"I heard they're remaking it."

"Wait really? Ugh, why?" Brody groaned, a little too loud.

"Quiet, or I'll move you." The teacher said exhaustedly.

They ignored the empty threat and continued, albeit more quietly.

"What about Scream? The original Scream was a masterpiece." Louis put forward.

"I guess?" Brody shrugged, "I don't really go for slashers, like 'oh no, a guy with a knife that can easily be stopped by a few people if they weren't so dumb.'  I prefer movies with monsters in them."

"Weigh in on this, Vi, you're the deciding vote." Louis said, poking her in the arm.

Vi jumped a little. She had been completely zoned out and had no idea what they were talking about.
All weekend she had been fixating, probably to an unhealthy degree, on Clementine and their previous interaction.
Why did it mean so much to her that girl she had never formally met until that week come to her baseball game? Was she just being really nice, or was there something more going on that she didn't want to say outright?
She denied being involved with Minerva, very adamantly. Was it because she didn't like the idea of someone thinking she liked girls, or was it because-

"Vi, did you have a stroke?"

Damn it. She'd zoned out again.

"What's up?" Violet asked.

"What's up with you? You've been spaced all morning." Louis leaned in closer and lowered his voice to a whisper, "are you high?"

"What? No, you know I quit." Vi replied defensively.

"Oh, I think I know what's distracting you." Brody smirked.

Violet glared at Brody like she was trying to blow her up with her mind.
The promise of gossip made Louis go feral. Right away he leaned in and started pressing her for details.

"What? What is it? Come on, tell me."

"Brody come on, you know he's gonna just tell everyone." Violet warned.

"I won't, swear to god." Louis said, crossing his finger over his chest.

"Vi's got a crush." Brody revealed smugly.

"On who?"

Louis and Brody both looked at Violet expectantly.

"Nope." She said flatly, shaking her head.

"Aw come on, Vi. You already know all my secrets." Louis whined.

"That's because you told me all of them without being asked."

The bell rang and everyone shot out of their chairs, ignoring the desperate attempts by the teacher to give everyone one last piece of information. They gathered their books and joined the lunchtime stampede in the halls.

"We're all friends, what's wrong with a little transparency?" Louis continued.

"Because-" Vi said, opening her locker and jamming her textbooks inside, "-I know you'll just keep asking me about them, or try to set something up, and I don't need that kind of-"

Violet choked on her words when she saw who was coming towards them. Thank god for the loud ambience of the corridor or Clementine might have heard the strangled goose noise she had made.
Clem was still wearing her baseball cap, pairing it with her school varsity jacket and jeans. The brunette waved to her and came over.

Small Towns Don't Forgive - Violentine Slasher high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now