Chapter Eight: Jodie's Diary

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"Her diary?" Violet asked, "won't the cops have already looked at that?"

Clementine shook her head.

"She keeps it hidden in her gym locker, said it was because her little brother kept going through it at home."

Violet looked around her, making sure they hadn't missed anyone within earshot.
People were chatting across the other side of the school grounds, but the baseball field was still barren.
She figured nobody could see them sitting under the bleachers anyway, and continued the conversation.

"Okay, so let's go check it out now while everyone's out here." Vi said, starting to get to her feet.

Clementine reached up and grabbed Vi's sleeve gently, stopping her.

"We can't." She said, "-at least not right now. It'll look way too suspicious if people see us going through her locker."

Violet lowered herself back down and sat back.

"Okay... when?"

Clementine glanced down for the briefest of moments and absentmindedly chewed the inside of her cheek, then she looked back up at Vi.

"I've got an idea but it's a little involved. I'll come find you at the end of the day and explain then."

"Can't you explain it now?"

The brunette shook her head.

"I still need to check some things first to make sure it'll work. You'll just have to trust me."

Far away from them, the electronic bell signalled the end of their lunch break. The crowd of people that was spread out across the grass oval began to move back to the main building.
Clementine got to her feet and extended a hand for Vi to take, which she obliged.
She felt the callouses on Clem's pitching hand as she was helped up. Clementine's grip was strong, but gentle. Begrudgingly, Violet let go and folded her arms across her chest, looking away in a flush of embarrassment.

"So-" Clem said, "-trust me?"

Violet looked Clem right in those honey-gold eyes and with total conviction, she said:

"Yeah. I trust you."


The final bell of the day sent people tearing into the hallways to be the first on their bus.
Violet, who had been waiting for it since lunch with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, gathered her things and went out into the hallway.
She pushed her way through the gridlock in the hall all the way to her locker, where Clementine was waiting. The brunette noticed her and gave a subdued wave.

"So, you ready to let me in on the secret plan?" Vi asked while she put away her books.

Clem looked around, like she was checking for eavesdroppers. She leaned closer and whispered next to Violet's ear.

"Not here, c'mon."

She began walking and motioned for Vi to follow.
The blonde closed her locker and jogged to catch up.
Clem led her to the other end of the school and stopped in front of an out of the way bathroom, tucked in the end corner of the corridor.
Vi raised an eyebrow.
Clementine looked over her shoulder, then pushed open the door. She checked that the stalls were empty before turning back to Vi.

"Alright. We're gonna wait out in here, when everyone goes home, then we go for the diary."

"I don't think hiding in the bathroom is gonna work." Vi said, "the janitor always cleans them first."

Clem shook her head and gestured for Vi to come closer. She led her over to the wall next to the last stall and pointed to the air vent.

"This is what I was checking on before. It's is how we avoid the janitor."

Small Towns Don't Forgive - Violentine Slasher high school AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu