9 - Weekend squad

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Hiii sorry its been so long since I updated I've been very busy but I'll try upload as often as i can.
Half of this chapter was written last September (and I didnt fully re-read it) so sorry if its a change in the writing style (or its a bit cringe lmao) or something but yeah thats all


Today Rosa and I woke up as we normally would and got ready as usual, but the only difference is that this time we were going to work together. I got on the back of her motorcycle, because she refused to sit in my car with me, and we made our way to the precinct.

Next week was our 1 year anniversary since we went on our first official date, so I was trying to plan something special that she would like. When we first started dating we said that we would tell everyone before our one year anniversary, if we lasted that long.

We walked into the bullpen at the same time and nobody thought it was strange, even thought we've never come in at the same time before. She went and sat down at her desk and I, as always, rolled my chair over to her desk too.

"Should we like try make it obvious or act like they already know or what?" I asked, leaning closer to her so she could hear me. "Whatever" she shrugged. "Ok, got it" I nodded, spinning the chair around.


Holt called us all to the briefing room, so I sat closer to Rosa than usual to try make it more obvious. "Thank you all for coming in on your day off" Holt said once we all sat down, "I know you'd all rather be at home, binge watching media content." "Oh! I just started the second season of media content. No spoilers!" Jake said.

"But these evaluations are important" Holt said, ignoring Jake. "Sir, I think I speak for all of us..." Amy started. "She doesn't" we all said, cutting her off. "... when I say that we can't wait for you to sit in judgement of us" she finishes.

"Oh, these will be self evaluations, Santiago" Holt said. I groaned and let my head fall back, looking at the ceiling. "Why-se. Very wise sir" Amy said. "Nice save" Peralta smirks at her. I sigh and leaned my head on Rosa's shoulder.

"Also, please stay out of the weekend squad. They are on duty and the bullpen is theirs" Holt said. "I hate the weekend squad. Detective Lohank shaves at my desk and gets hair all over my computer. My 'R' key is jammed with stubble" Rosa complained.

"Well that explains the email you sent about the 'guseme mude' Jake joked. "Wait" Charles said looking at Rosa and me again. "What?" I asked, taking my head off her shoulder. "You were just resting your head on Rosa's shoulder!" Charles gasped. "So what?" I shrugged. "Rosa would never let anyone do that" he explained.

"Yeah, I don't" Rosa agreed. "Then why-" "Dismissed!" Holt cut Charles off, tired of our conversation.


"I wanna take Vivian somewhere fancy tonight. How 'bout this? Graziolo's for the porco digestivo meal. It's a culinary tour of a pig's digestive tract. Uh, pig bung gelato for two, anyone?" Charles said as we were all sitting in the break room, waiting to take our evaluation.

"Uh-oh, heads up. Weekend crew" Rosa rolled her eyes as the weekend crew came in. "I feel sad for you" Charles said to Rosa, "I love my desk buddy. Sometimes Detective Kearns and I leave presents for each other."

"Well my one sweats like crazy, it always smells there and she keeps like 2 radiators are 2 fans under the desk. She also takes up a lot of desk space with all of her candles. Don't get me wrong I like candles, but it's too many for a precinct" I complained.

We all looked over to my desk and saw her sweating while shivering, about to light a candle. "Yeah well Lohank's a stubble monkey. I hate him and his face garbage" Rosa said. "Why don't you just tell him to stop shaving at his desk?" Charles asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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