Chapter four

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I'd managed to get in a couple of hours after grabbing some lunch. I woke up to a text from Tony letting me know he'd pick me up at six. I had a little over an hour before he'd be here. I decided to grab a shower and throw on a change of clothes before we headed off towards the bar where Shelly worked.
As we entered the bar, it was clear we were regarded as outsiders to the locals. They stared at us with suspicion before turning their attention back to their drinks. There was only maybe six or seven people in there. We walked towards the bar where we were greeted by an older woman. Peroxide blonde hair, poorly lined lipstick and a top that left little to the imagination as to what was underneath. "What will it be?" The blonde asked from the other side of the bar. Tony ordered a pint of Guinness before turning to me for my order. "Gin and tonic, please". It felt weird drinking on the job, but I'm not complaining. The blonde gave Tony a wink and turned to make our drinks.
A weird twinge struck my insides. Protectiveness? Jealousy?
When the woman returned with our drinks, Tony placed his badge on the bar discreetly offering up nothing than Shelly's name.
"Oh yeah? What's she got herself in to? She better have a good excuse for leaving me in the shit without contacting me!" The blonde snapped. Tony furrowed his brow. "How's that?" He asked before taking a sip of his drink.
The busty blonde leaned forward on the bar, resting her hands on her cheeks, emphasising her wrinkly breasts in her low cut top whilst she was at it. Subtle. I rolled my eyes and took a gulp of my gin before climbing onto the bar stool next to Tony. I got the impression we'd be there for a while whilst Tony worked his charm to get some answers so I might as well make myself comfortable. The woman's perfume covering the stench of stale cigarettes embedded in her clothes was making me nauseous.
"Well, y'know what these young ones are like. No back bone. I've got enough experience to know how to handle the men", she gave another wink before sending me a smug look. This Bitch.
She looked around the bar at the men with their drinks before standing straight and pushing up her breasts as she crossed her arms. "One month she lasted! One month! Didn't even have the decency to tell me she wasn't coming back. She gets hit on once and runs!" She continued.

Tony placed his almost empty glass on the bar, and smoothed down his tie. "Shelly's remains were discovered this morning on the golf course across town. Did she show up on her shift on Friday 18th? We're trying to form a better timeline of events". He had a slight bite to his tone. I'm glad he seemed as irritated as I was with this obnoxious woman.  Her expression remained stern, and her arms were still crossed. "Yeah she was here. Dropped about five glasses that night too. And An unopened bottle of Jack, I'll have you know! I told her to go home early before the clumsy cow bankrupted me!".
I pulled a paper napkin from its holder on the bar and made a note of what was being said. Tomorrow I'm buying my own notepad to make notes in. I probably should have had the forethought before we came. Lesson learnt.
"Did she go straight home?" Tony pushed. The bar lady was starting to look bored now.
"How should I bloody know?! Her fella drove her I guess." She almost spat back.
"Shelly didn't have a boyfriend?!" I couldn't help but chime in. I flashed Tony an apologetic look. I knew I was supposed to purely observe and make notes. He gave a smile back before turning back to the woman.

"Well, I assumed.. I mean, straight after she stormed out, he came over and made a comment about them having a lovers spat which was probably distracting her. He said he'd take her home before he followed her out".

Tony looked irritated at the fact none of this was brought up earlier in the conversation. "What did he look like?"
The blonde clicked her tongue a few times and tapped her long red claws on the bar top. "Well, he wasn't very memorable. Not handsome like you. Blonde maybe? Shaggy hair, tall and skinny. Too skinny. Not my type.. I like my men dark and mysterious" She shot Tony another seductive wink. God! There was that feeling again! I've never disliked someone I didn't know so much in my life!
"Age?" Fuck it, I don't care if I'm not supposed to be asking questions, I couldn't bear to be here any longer. I just wanted to get answers and get out of here.
"I dunno. Older than her I reckon. Maybe 30?" She snarled back as she returned to her effort of a seductive pose on the bar towards Tony. With that, he slapped his palms on the bar making her and myself jump. "Great.". He pushed off and guided me gently by the elbow, leading me out of this dump of a bar. I felt like I could breathe again. I didn't realise how much I was struggling before the fresh air hit me. I got straight into the car and buckled my seat belt. Tony was lighting a cigarette behind me. I needed a moment. That woman made me feel so uncomfortable on so many levels. Tony dragged me away from my thoughts as he tapped gently on the window. I opened the door ajar as I couldn't open the window without the engine being on.
Tony shuffled his feet as he took another drag. "So, Um. I think maybe we could try and get a description of the guy through the blonde...". He took another long drag and averted his eyes away from me. I didn't need him to elaborate. I knew what he was asking me, and bile was rising up from my stomach. I shuddered at the thought of venturing into that woman's dreams. I didn't even give Tony an answer. I unclipped my belt and slid out of the car and headed back to the bar.
I was received with the same expressions from the busty blonde and her patrons as she had done earlier with Tony. "You forget something hun? Where's handsome gone?" She teased.
I tried not to let the dislike for this woman show on my face, whether I was successful or not, I don't know. I cleared my throat and passed over a business card from my pocket, making gentle contact with her hand as she took it. "My card, incase you remember anything about the guys description". I resisted the urge to wipe my hands on my trousers. I'll scrub and anti-bac when I get home. The blonde said nothing in return, just stared at my card like I'd given her a dead bug and dropped it on the bar behind her. With that, I offered her an insincere thanks for her assistance and headed back out to the car park towards Tony who was still standing next to the SUV. I didn't even look at him, I felt dirty. I know it wasn't his fault for asking me. It is why I'm here. It doesn't make it any easier though. Tony joined me in the car and turned towards me whilst I remained with my back to him, looking idly out of the window. His had touched gently on my shoulder to get my attention. "Ellie.." He paused. I glanced over my shoulder in silence. The light contact on my shoulder hit me like a lightning bolt. This was new. Tony let out a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry I had to ask..". I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "Its fine. It's why you need me. Its what I'm here for". A sympathetic look crossed Tonys face and he turned to start the engine. I turned my eyes back to the trees out of my window.

The short drive to my apartment was spent in silence. Just as I went to opened the door to get out, Tony put his hand on my thigh to stop me. The bolt of electricity raced through me again, causing me to take a sharp breath. I turned towards him. "Are we cool?" He looked concerned as he searched my face for an answer. "Yeah. Sorry I'm just tired. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" I offered back as an excuse. To be honest I didn't know what was up with me right now.
He watched as I closed the car door behind me and waited until I was safely inside my apartment building. With a sigh, Tony lit a cigarette and drove back to his place.

My apartment was dark when I walked through the door. I turned on the lamp on the hallway table and kicked off my shoes before heading towards the living area. I slumped on the sofa and for a moment contemplated eating before turning in for the night. It was late, and I was too tired to move, let alone cook. I'd be fast asleep before a delivery driver would get here with a takeaway. So I decided I'd just get ready for bed.

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