No Tounge

6 0 0

I was in an auditorium I was sitting on the 16th row there were other people there too but all there faces where blurred expect for four people, two where on my left and one on my right and another behind me. The two on my left where looking threw my sketch book saying how my art was pretty when I tried to speak it was as if my mouth was full of cotton balls. The two were a girl and boy the boy had a slight chubby build to him his face was littered with freckles he had brown eyes and black hair the other was a girl he was slightly thinner had blond hair and green eyes her head was on the boys shoulder. I look to my right and beside me was another boy he had a well defined jaw line brown curly hair and blue eyes he had a busted lip he was well built was well.
"What do you want?" He asked me looking at me with what seemed to be hate. I could only shake my head and look forward. Not wanting to anger the boy. "Hey you guys got into trouble too huh?" Asked a slight deep voice I look behind me and see a boy with long shaggy black hair a face mask covered his face he had on a dark grey hoodie and had a black eye.
"I didn't do shit you idiot!" Cursed the boy to my right.
"We aren't in trouble we are here for the announcement from the principal." I told the boy but when I spoke it sounded like my tongue was gone.
Hey, Amy you shouldn't talk you can't let your mother know you speak even if she removed your tongue!" Warned the boy to my left.
"What the hel- I gotta tell him about this." Whispered the boy behind me.

My name isn't Amy....
I don't go to school and I don't know these four people who was I in my dream.

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