A Human's Will To Live On

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It was late when I finally got home from work. As I walk into my house, I feel the backlash of skipping breakfast hit me as my stomach begins to rumble.

I place my bag down and make my way to the kitchen in search of any food, but come up empty handed.

Ah yes, I haven't had enough money to go to the store this week because people keep using my natural instinct to help people to scam me for all I'm worth.

But, I was finally paid today, and now I can go to the store and have my first full meal in three days.

I grab my brown jacket, slip my wallet into my pocket, and make my way to the store.

I know it is well past ten p.m., but I think I'll die if I continue to not eat.

The only major problem is that I have to go down a dark alleyway to reach the store since my street doesn't have an outlet.

And we all know what happens to people in dark alleyways.

I sigh as I reach the alleyway, deciding to rely on my phone flashlight.

As I step into the alleyway, I turn on my phone only to find it at five percent.


Well, I'm already here, I'm cold, tired, and hungry.

I decide to face my fears and quickly make my way down the alley.

As I'm reaching the center of the horrifyingly dark alley, I feel two hands grab my shoulders and I'm roughly pulled backwards. I let out a scream at the sudden action.

I fall backwards onto the hard concrete directly under a street lamp.

I look up with tears in my eyes from the pain?

Standing in front of me is a short yet menacing looking young man with green highlighted black hair.

His amber eyes glow fiercely in the dark, as though he is a hungry lion who just caught his prey.

The man is dressed in all black, so my initial assumption is that he wishes to rob me.

I throw my up arms in a pitiful attempt at a defense.

"Wh-who are you? What do you want from me?" I ask, trying to mask the fear in my voice.

The man looks down on me and then smirks.

"It won't matter who I am, since you won't be alive long enough to share my name." He says. He smiles widely, showing his teeth.

My heart beats quickly and the taste of copper fills my mouth as I realize this man's intentions.

He wishes to kill me.

And yet....the look in his eyes isn't psychotic, so what is fueling his desire for bloodshed?

Something nags at me until I finally truly look at him.

I gasp as my brain finally comprehends his unnaturally sharp canines.

No way....

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