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Episode 1

"Chidera drop that book you're reading and come to the kitchen. You won't be going to school tomorrow anyway. "

That was my 'aunty' the stranger I stay with at Onitsha.

My name is Chidera, I am 24 now. But, at the time you heard that voice, I was 12. Leaving with Aunty Philo in Onitsha.

How my life took a drastic turn for the worst is still like a dream. It happened so fast that I can barely keep track of it. How a girl who lived like a princess is now hawking all manner of stuff in the streets of Onitsha is hard to understand. I have heard the story of morthan once from sympathizers and aunty Esther.
According to them;

My parents met in Zaria during their NYSC program. Theirs was love at first sight and it materialized into marriage after 2years of courtship. My father had gotten a good job through his roommate in school at a telecommunication company immediately after service. He was paid well, so settling down after two years of POP wasn't hard. A few months after their wedding, he helped my mother get a job in the same company, but, in another branch.

Their wedding wasn't supported by my paternal grandparents, especially my grandmother, but my dad was said to have fought to finish and made so many enemies amongst his kinsmen because of my mother.

2 years after marriage and nothing to show for it except for the inflow of cash. Mockers began, my grandmother and aunts began the 'I told you' chorus, and my mother became heavily worried but my dad never flinched as he was my mom's rock and their love never slowed down.

5years now and my mother's belly kept getting flat and flatter. She began to frequent prayer houses, hospitals, herbal homes, churches, and any of such places you can think of.
My father's 'don't worry' began to sound weak, and their sexual life began to deteriorate.
My mom began to cry herself to sleep, they were losing their marriage, and there seem to be nothing anyone can do about it. My father's family did not make it any easier on my mom anyways, but my father never stopped fighting them off.

7years later, it became obvious that they would never have children.
What could be the problem?
All doctors confirmed they are medically okay. Some true seers had seen that they would have kids in due time. But, seems they were all wrong.

Maybe God has destined them to be barren and had given them money in place of Children.
They were the famous 'rich barren couple' but hey! Who is it again that has the final say?
You guessed right.
My father suggested they adopt and my mom jumped at the option and they looked for a good motherless home and applied. They were given a date to come back and pick up the baby they had selected when my mom fell ill and they couldn't go. When the sickness persisted my father took my mom to the hospital for checkups and treatment.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Johnson. You're pregnant. Sir, madam is 5 weeks gone" the doctor said.

It sounded like noise. This doctor must be a quack. My parents went to 3 other hospitals and all results came back positive... Hallelujah... Our God is alive... He has shamed our enemies must be the few clauses that reigned in our mansion that day.

That night, my parents made love like it was their wedding night. Suddenly, within a twinkle of an eye, joy, love, intimacy, and peace returned and my parents decided while entangled in each other's arms, to resign from their jobs and focus on birthing the much-awaited baby.

My father opened a supermarket, a very big one, and he and his beloved wife will manage it, they bought cars and motorcycles for business and gave them out to riders who delivered seasonally. They had built 2 mansions, the finer one was where they lived and the other one was on rent. Life was set!

My father pampered my mom, she too was very careful and took all recommended rest, food, and drinks. Only the best doctors attended to mama and they awaited my arrival with so much impatience and hope.

7months later, I came forth. As though I read their thoughts and wanted to spare them all the anxiety of waiting...

I was incubated and I survived. Mom and child in perfect condition, what more can they ask for?

My parents stayed all night searching for a befitting name for a child as precious as this. They finally decided on CHIDERA! (whatever God has written, is written and cannot be wiped off)

I grew to have the best of everything, I wore the best clothes, went to the best schools in our neighborhood, and was greatly envied by other kids.

Just like an Agric fowl, I grew rapidly and my 7th birthday was celebrated in grand style. The love my parents showed me was massive, sometimes they would argue about who would eat with me, put me to sleep, feed me, bathe me, etc. In fact, I had the best childhood experience.

One day, my mother came to my room and sat beside me.

"Dera, don't you want a baby? "

"I do mama. I want a sister, that I can dash all my clothes to"

"Good, why don't you pray for mama to have another baby"

"Okay, I will pray and ask my teacher in the school where she got her own baby so that you can go there and get yours. Her baby is very fair and fine mom"

"don't ask your teacher, anything child, just pray to your God to send you one of your friends in heaven to come and be your sibling on earth"

Though I didn't understand her, I still promised to pray. I have heard mom argue a lot of times that I am not a regular child and that I am different and that I'm a destiny child. She believes that I have some spiritual powers and she would argue this, even with my dad.
My mom kept begging me to talk to 'my God' to send one of 'my friends that I used to play with in heaven' and she will buy me anything I ask to make me happy and in the mood to talk to 'my God'

One day, she came in with bags containing shoes of a different kind, a wrapper, a wristwatch, my favorite cartoon plate, toys, cake, biscuits, and many things for myself and my friends in school. She knelt down and in tears she said.

"Chidera my daughter, please beg your God to help your mama, I am soon passing the fertile age and when I pass this stage, I won't be able to get you a baby anymore "

She cried a lot that night and after pleading with me, she tucked me in, kissed me goodnight, and left.
I was worried about my mom, I thought of all her words and I knelt with tears flowing down my cheeks. With my tiny voice, I said... If truly there's a God who is my God, please send one of my friends to my mom. Please give us a baby.

In the morning, I had expected to see a baby but I didn't... I asked my mom if she got the baby and she said no. So I kept praying.

One Saturday evening my parents came home so happy, not once have I seen them that happy. They almost bought me a house full of gifts that day.
They broke the news to me both kneeling as mummy has finally convinced dad that I am a god of some sort

"Dera, Your God has sent us one of your friends from heaven, and very soon we will have a new baby" mummy said

I jumped in excitement.


If actually my prayer to 'my God' had made him send us 'my friend who I used to play with in heaven' then, I should never have prayed that prayer.

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