Chapter 5 | The Interview (Part 1)

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Music: Only This Matters by Ten Towers

Deidre stepped in the kitchen with a folder in her hand. I didn't miss that mischievous smile when she handed it to me. "What's this?" I looked at her suspiciously, placing the coffee mug down on the table.

"An application," she sat down on the stool right next to me. "The boss is requesting an official interview with you."

"Okay, cool." I bit my cinnamon raisin bagel and continued to scroll through my phone.


"Today?" I started coughing. I grabbed my coffee mug and started drinking to clear my throat. It was a good thing that my coffee wasn't scalding hot.

"Yes, like, right now," her eyebrows wiggled up and down. "Hurry. He's up in his office waiting for you."

My world felt like it was starting to crumble down on me. This wasn't how I envisioned my plan. First off, I don't have my resume with me. Freak out mode activated. He's definitely going to ask a ton of questions, do a background check on me, and he's going to find out the real reason why I'm here. Damage control. I need damage control. Stat.

"Geez, Rainy. Are you okay? Your face is so red. Are you sick?" She placed her hand on my forehead. "You're pretty warm."

"Give me a minute," I started fanning myself. "I need some time to process this."

"Don't be scared. Mr. Sterling's not a monster," Deidre reminded me. "He's not going to eat you."

I bet he will after this. He's going to rip my head off, that's for sure. "I'm kinda dizzy. Is it okay if we postpone the interview?"

"Are you trying to wiggle your way out?" She inserted her arm around mine and pulled me up from my seat. "This is your chance. Now, come on. You don't want to keep him waiting," she grabbed the folder and pressed it against my chest. "Go, before he changes his mind."

I dragged a hand down my face, clearly frustrated with myself for not having a backup plan. This guy will find out sooner or later. How long will I keep this lie going? I don't think he's the type that could easily be duped. I won't last a day here.

"He's a nice guy, trust me," Deidre guided me out the kitchen door with both her hands on my shoulders. "As long as you play nice."

"If you say so." I rolled my eyes and made my way toward the stairs. Play nice. Yeah, sure.

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of my soon-to-be-boss's office. Not sure how long I was standing there, though. My mind was too busy thinking of things I shouldn't say to avoid embarrassing myself. I let out the breath that I had been holding. Soon enough I finally got the courage to knock on his office door.

"Come in."

I closed my eyes for a brief moment. You could say I was nervous as hell. I was in the belly of the beast, after all. I needed to prepare myself for what's about to come. I smiled upon entering and closed the door quietly behind me.

"Have a seat, Ms. Raina." He gestured to the chair in front of his desk. He didn't even bother looking at me. He was busy typing something on his laptop.

"Thank you, Mr. Sterling," my heart continued to race as I sat down. Nausea rose in my throat. My conscience was eating me alive with each passing second. Refusing to look at him, my eyes were fixated on my twiddling thumbs down on my lap. When I couldn't handle it any longer, I looked up and we made eye contact at that very moment. He smiled. I wasn't sure if that smile meant to be good or bad? He continued whatever he was doing on his laptop. Complete silence. Nothing but the light sound of his keyboard taps. Crap. Did I ruin this chance of getting a job? Me and my big mouth.

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