Chapter 5 | The Interview (Part 2)

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It didn't take long to fill out the application. By the time I was done, that's when Deidre stepped back inside the kitchen with Dale laughing his ass off at something on his phone. Deidre rolled her eyes, ignoring Dale as she approached me.

"Are you done?" She asked and I immediately handed the application to her. Her eyes scanned the whole paper and nodded. "Perfect. Now let's go."

"What do you mean let's go? Where are we going?"

She turned around with an Are you fucking serious? face. "To your interview, where else?"

"Does it have to be today?" I asked, feeling a little hopeful it wouldn't be that day.

"Look. Do you need this job or not?"

"I need it." I quickly replied.

"Then there you go. Now put on your big girl pants and march up straight to his office. You gotta show him you're interested, girl."

"Do I really have a chance?" I asked once more.

She sighed, looking like she was already fed up with me. "The worst thing he could say is no. How will you know if you don't at least try?"

I wanted to scream and cry so badly through a pillow as we made our way to Rain's office. After what happened earlier, I don't think I could face him ever again. Especially after he reminded me not to bite my lip in front of him. Like, what was that all about? It's definitely a perfect storm brewing.

Deidre knocked on his office door. I heard him answer. Deidre stepped in the office, but I remained rooted to the spot where I was standing. She handed him the application. Rain looked up and noticed that I was still standing outside his office.

"You may come in, Ms. Hart." Rain said.

I snapped out of my stupor upon hearing my name.

"Break a leg." Deidre whispered as she brushed past me.

It felt like I had already broken both of my legs. I couldn't get myself to move. This was probably one of those The devil is working hard against you moments. Rain must be thinking how hilarious I look right now.

"Maybe I should repeat what I just said," Rain shuffled some papers on his desk, clearly annoyed by the sight of me. "You may come in, Ms. Hart."

"I'm sorry," I finally had the courage to move from my spot. I slowly closed the door behind me. "I'm just a little nervous."

"Where was the confidence you had earlier?" He asked as he inserted some paperwork inside a folder.

This is not the right time to send back a smart-ass reply, I reminded myself. Doing that will cost me this job, and I simply cannot afford that.

"Like I said, I was a little nervous," I explained calmly, digging my nails into my palm. I'm trying so hard to keep myself composed. "Not sure if I could really land this job."

"We'll see," he smirked as he picked up my application. "It all depends on your answers."

I exhaled. "Okay, I'm ready."

Once he started reading, my eyes never left him. It's almost like I was burning a hold in his head. Every reaction is important. I wanted to know if he'll consider hiring me despite my poor resume.

"You bagged groceries?" He asked after a minute passed by.

"Yes," I scratched the nonexistent itch in my right ear. "It was my first job in high school. I know it's not really impressive, but—"

"Not really impressive?" He looked up. "Bagging groceries requires skills. It's not as easy as people think. You have to be fast and must remember what customers tell you when they give you a certain request on how to bag their groceries."

"I never thought of it that way." I smiled.

"It also teaches you how to be patient," he added. "because you'll have customers screaming and breathing down your neck, and not all customers are willing to tip you."

"Yes, you're right about that," I nodded, my eyes dropping down to my lap where I was busy twiddling my thumbs. "There were days I only had a dollar tip. But it was okay. I was happy at the end of the day. It wasn't really about the money anyway. My mother just wanted me to experience what work was like instead of staying at home playing video games."

"Sounds like my dad," he muttered, then coughed to clear this throat. "So, on to the next question. Do you know how to cook?"

"Yes, I do," my eyes widened with excitement. "Mainly Mexican food. You probably missed it, but I did work for a taco food truck."

"That's great," he nodded while reading the part of my food truck experience. "I enjoy Mexican food. I could eat it every day."

Is he going to make me cook for him, too? That should be added to my paycheck as well.

"Do you like dogs?"

"I'm actually more of a cat person," I saw him frown. "But I love dogs just as much. I've loved and cared for animals ever since I was a kid."

Fur babysitting. It figures.

"Last question," he scribbled something on my application and then looked up. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

My eyes bugged out at his last question. What the hell is this, a dating interview? Was the application a dating questionnaire? Was he looking for a potential wife-to-be maybe? Or a fake fiancée that requires a contract between us?

"Why do you need to know?" I started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked, narrowing his gaze at me. "There's nothing funny about my question."

"Well, it's funny to me because I've never known any employer who would ask such a silly question."

"Since you are going to work for me, Ms. Hart, you should know that one of the rules my employees need to abide by is that boyfriends are not allowed in my house."

"Oh, okay," I stopped laughing. "I'm sorry."

Rain made sure I was not laughing anymore. He reached to the side where a small stainless refrigerator stood. He opened it up and got a bottle of cold water. "I'm sorry, I should have offered you a drink," he handed the bottled water to me. "I know you're nervous, Ms. Hart. But please know I only have good intentions. As an employer to an employee, we should be able to trust each other. You'll be under my care and I'll make sure you get paid handsomely for all your services."

After drinking half of the water bottle, my eyes drifted over to him. I screwed the cap back on. Of course, I can trust him. He is Deidre's boss, after all, and she praised him so much throughout our whole trip.

"Does that mean... I'm hired?"

He smirked. "If you get hired. You haven't even answered my last question."

"Don't worry," I smiled. "I don't have a boyfriend."

He reached for a wooden stamp on his desk and stamped something on my application. "Then you're hired."

Author's Note: 

I'm terribly sorry for not updating for weeks. I've been suffering from impostor syndrome and anyone who's a writer/artist will tell you the same thing: It comes and goes. I'm fighting my way back to writing regularly. I hope you guys stick with me to the end. Thank you for reading and I'll see you next on Chapter 6. 



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