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He wonders how the stranger knows his name, then he blacks out.


thank you sm for the views even though it's not really much compared to others i'm really grateful that some ppl like my weird yet somehow sometimes suggestive and sometimes ass writing! ❤️

also, just a warning before you continue to read this, most of my characters will likely be ooc and not canon so pls don't comment on it, ehe.. I'm not really good at doing their exact personalities. After all, only the actual creator can make it spot on.


Dream let out a groan, his sight being rendered completely useless as there was something blocking it. It was probably a blindfold, he thinks. His memory goes back to the conversation he had with that stranger earlier, he wonders where they are now.

" Hello? " Dream called out, turning his head around to try and inspect his surroundings, really, he was just looking at every speck of dust in the blindfold hoping that the dust were walls.

He hears a little shuffle from the left wall, immediately turning his head to that direction. Now that one of his most dependable senses were gone, he had to rely on the ones left. " ..It's not nice to ignore people, you know. " He calls out to the other person in the room, hoping they would finally speak.

" You're giving me a headache. " The other person speaks up, he thinks that they sound similar to Ink but pushes it back to the end of his mind, he probably just misses all of them too much. He wasn't the most resilient one between him and Nightmare.

" How nice of you. " He mumbles, trying to fiddle with the blindfold covering his eyes. He looked like a worm trying to get out of a coffin that was buried six feet under, considering that his hands were tied and he didn't have the motivation to do anything else.

" You look stupid. " The stranger snickers, he frowns at this. ' The other stranger was nicer, how did I even get kidnapped and placed with this jerk? '

" Anyways, don't worry about the blindfold. It shouldn't be too bad to keep on for a little longer. Boss'll come down here and talk to you, don't say anything stupid or else you might as well be living here for the rest of your life. " Dream could practically hear a smirk in the person's face, scowling at them with the rest of the energy he had left and then leaned his back into the numbing, cobblestone walls of the cell. ' How the hell did I end up here? '

The stranger looks towards something for a moment before muttering a few things. " The boss will be coming in soon, better stay on your best behaviour, hm? " They grin, their footsteps then fading out as they leave the dungeons, ' .. This doesn't seem to be going as well as I thought it was going to.. '


Dream could vividly hear echoing footsteps and an aura of power bouncing off of the concrete path heading towards his cell. It was probably a red flag, but after being shoved into possibly a different multiverse and being kidnapped, he could probably care less. However he still clung onto the last string of hope that remained in his mind, telling him he would fall asleep and wake up in the star sanses base again and hear the morning banter of Ink and Blue.

He sat back up to face whoever stood outside of his cell, before his stone-cold expression turned into one of confusion. There stood a tall man of roughly 6'1 with blonde, fluffy hair and clothes that screamed rich. However, there was something else that caught his attention other than the man's well kept appearance. He had the same golden circlet upon his head that Dream had as well. Both men stared at each other for a while, noticing the same artefact on their heads.

The other man shook his head to supposedly empty his thoughts, before clearing his throat. " I believe you know why you're here. " The man spoke, his tone seeming more arrogant than he intended. Dream clearly didn't know why because he literally didn't do anything worthy of being put into a cell. Actually, all he did was talk to a stranger when he was severely injured, Which to be fair, probably was a red flag. Then try to escape, meet some random jerk who probably had a knack of him struggling to get a simple blindfold off and then just sitting in some random dusty cell. It still nerved him as he remembered that after most monsters died, they turned into dust. ' ..Have people died here? Gosh, how did he get into this situation now? '

After a long period of silence, the other man speaks up once more. " You have been captured and placed in this cell for suspicion of theft and impersonation. " He says, but Dream doesn't remember stealing. Atleast, he doesn't think he did? He has morals.

" ..Theft? ..Impersonation? " Dream asks in a confused tone, trying to understand what he did wrong. " ..Impersonation of a high political figure, if you can guess who it is. " The man responds quickly, Dream figures it's probably a reference to the circlets on their heads. " Now, don't forget you have been accused of theft as well. Our residents do not lie about serious crimes, and evidence has been resourced so you have been convicted to 3 years in our prisons. " Dream's jaw almost drops in shock. " 3 YEARS?! " He shrieks.

" I- Uh, sorry, but.. I don't remember stealing anything! And I haven't done anything wrong- 3 years too?! Why don't you just give me a fine for something I didn't do and we can just forget about this? " He rambles, trying to plot a way out of his new-found cage. " You see, that's our issue. There have also been reports of repetitive theft from the same areas that have included evidence of your crimes, so we have concluded that you were the culprit of most of the crimes committed. All of them together would get you in jail for more than 3 years, so you're lucky. " He says, pausing for a second before continuing. " All of your crimes add up to 6 years in jail. "

Dream thinks he's about to faint after hearing that, 6 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit? It was so ironic how shitty the actual justice system worked in this multiverse compared to how much they tried to advertise it as a good thing and shove it down people's throats. " Uh.. that's.. alright, but- am I just going to stay in a dusty cell for the rest of my years? " He asked, trying to figure out an escape plan in his head.

" Is it not to your liking? " The man asks, clearly attempting a mocking tone in his voice but failing and having a flat tone instead. " .. I just assumed prisons would be more.. well kept? " He tries to raise a reaction out of the man, to see how far the limits went so he could add that to his mental notes. It didn't seem like the remark irked him though, and Dream visibly deflated at that.

" Well, then. It seems that our talk is complete. My guards will soon come down here to feed you, after all, we aren't cruel. " The man arrogantly spoke, turning his back towards Dream. " Wait! Before you go, can you tell me your name? " Dream squeaks out, trying to word it in the most polite way that wouldn't get him an extra 90 years in jail. The man looks at him in confusion before turning away again.

" Just call me Dream. " He mutters, before heading off towards the exit of the dungeons. Dream froze in shock at what the man said, trying to comprehend the fact he would be tinkering so much with the multiverse's script and actions.. it could end in a collapse! Wait, what about his own multiverse? Without him protecting the balance between positivity and negativity,it would be doomed for good and Nightmare would be ruling over it with an iron fist!

' Oh.. my.. god. ' He thinks he's about to faint as his head reaches the floor.

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