1- The Ghouls

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A/n: Art from Blanche on Tumblr.
I would like to state that this book is inspired by Exulansis' book, "guarded by ghouls." I'm too shy to tag them, even though they read this.

Yn fell to the ground with an "oof" sound

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Yn fell to the ground with an "oof" sound. The blonde in front of her huffed and turned around. "Seriously Yn? This is the third time," she said. She shook her head and put her hands on her hips.

Yn looked up from the ground. "It's not my fault, Iines! I swear, nature is out to get me!" The girl exclaimed. She slowly stood up and began dusting herself off. Iines hummed and motioned behind Yn. Said girl turned around, not seeing a root, bush, or anything that could've made her trip. "Oh," she mumbled. She faced Iines again. "Okay, well- sorry," she muttered as she nervously chuckled.

Iines rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I'm gonna head home before it gets too late. You should too, it's starting to get dark." She stated as she walked past Yn. "Night Yn. Stick to the trail!"

The h/c haired girl watched her friend leave. She knew Iines was just scared of being in the woods after dark. She smirked to herself. While Yn may have been very clumsy, Iines was terrified of the dark and unknown. That stuff excited Yn though.

She turned around and continued walking down the trail. "Okay, maybe platforms weren't the best shoes to wear for a walk." She laughed to herself. Maybe that type of shoes really wasn't the proper decision, but Yn would always dress in what made her feel good and comfortable.

She sighed as she noticed the sun beginning to set behind the trees. She didn't want to return home. There was nothing exciting waiting for her. She decided she'd walk for just a bit longer. It couldn't hurt.

After a while, the sun was gone and the only light came from the bright moon above the trees. Yn wasn't scared though. She quite enjoyed things like that. When she could be alone and in a peaceful environment.

However, the peaceful and welcoming air soon began to feel eerie. Yn didn't recognize the place she was in. Still, she walked onward. She hummed a small song and held her hands behind her back. She took large steps, glancing all around her.

Something caught her eye in the distance. It was a... house? Yn paused as her eyes widened in shock. What was a house doing all the way out there? It was rundown and old, but it still stood.

Smiling to herself, Yn continued on her way, curious to know more about this newfound place. She tried peeking through the windows when she got there. Her view was blocked by dark dust and spiderwebs.

She let out a huff and walked over to the front door. She knocked once, but when her knuckles made contact with the wood, the door opened wide. Her brows furrowed, but she walked inside. "Hello? Anyone here?" She called out, walking into what seemed to be a study. It was filled with beaten up shelves that were falling apart. Yet, most of the books were stacked neatly where they could.

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