7- The End

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Yn hadn't opened the ghoul book for about five days. And so far, things were running smoothly. She'd listened to Rain's advice about Sodo too. Every time he got angry with her and was about to explode she'd either make her own rebuttal or find a fun way to tease him. Somehow, instead of angering the fire ghoul further, it calmed him down. She really felt she was making great progress.

After that whole ordeal she had felt that she could figure things out without the information from the book. In the past few days she'd managed to grow closer to all the ghouls, Sodo included.

Currently, she was seated in the courtyard underneath a tree. The air was clear, as was her mind. Aether was beside her and Sodo(who'd insisted his position) was laying his head in her lap with his legs draped across Aether's.

She smiled and turned to Aether, rubbing the fire ghoul's mask. "So you guys really never leave this place?" She questioned curiously as she quirked a brow.

Aether returned the smile and shook his head. "We... do. We do, but we only leave when the papa we're serving has uh duties to fulfill outside of the ministry." He responded vaguely.

Yn nodded her head. "That's right. I'm pretty sure Rain said something about a papa before. Who's that?" She asked in confusion. The furrow of her brows expressed her feelings clearly. She subconsciously rubbed the part of the mask between Sodo's horns and she heard him purr. She lit up at the noise, having heard it multiple times. She always got excited when she heard it. It meant that the male was relaxed.

The purple eyed male beside her let his smile widen. "The papas are the leaders of the clergy. There have been four Papa Emeritus' as of late. However, with the third's recent death, a man named Cardinal Copia has taken over. He will soon rise to become a papa himself once he proves himself," he explained.

The girl hummed. "I get it. Why haven't I run into any of them though?" She inquired as more confusion settled in.

Aether sighed. "The cardinal has been rather busy, Papa Nihil is occupied pestering him. And the other papas..." he swallowed as he trailed off. Yn anxiously bit her lip as she looked at him. She also felt Sodo stiffen.

She paused her hand's movements and rested it on the male's helmet. "Oh. I'm so sorry," she said empathetically. She didn't realize that the others had died as well. From what the quintessence ghoul had just told her she knew the third was dead, but she didn't know the others were as well. It made her heart ache. Not only because they were dead, but also because she'd obviously accidentally brought up painful memories.

She could feel the heat radiating off of Sodo. She pursed her lips and hesitantly rubbed the side of his mask. His tense body slowly began relaxing under her touch. He growled, however. Flinching at the sight of his bared teeth, she quickly pulled her hand away.

He sat up in a flash and looked deep into her eyes. Although, before he could do anything, Aether shoved his legs off of his own. Sodo's glare turned to the other ghoul.

Before the fire ghoul could lash out at him, a figure walked up to them. Well, two figures. A hand was placed on Sodo's shoulder as one of them bent down. The shorter male looked at him. "Mountain.." he hissed, suddenly feeling calm. He took a deep breath before exhaling. He slowly stood up and began walking off.

Yn watched him with a look of guilt across her face. "Don't worry about it. It's no big deal, Yn," Aether stated. She slowly nodded at him before looking up at Mountain and Swiss.

Mountain smiled while Swiss smirked as they sat down across from the two. "What'd you do this time, Yn?" Swiss purred in a joking tone.

Said girl playfully rolled her eyes. "None of your business." She chuckled and Swiss feigned a hurt expression as he clutched his chest.

A/n: I. Tried. I did. So hard. But with mental health declining down a freaking mountain like it weighs an entire ton makes everything so much harder. But I'm alive, right? This is the end of this book, however. I'll be making a new story though! More supernatural hotties too! It's polyamorous as well! I'll notify everyone when it's out. And because people seem to like that it'll be a fem protagonist.

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