Chapter 9

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Ned frantically reached for the phone in his pocket. As he was about to message the mysterious gamer on CyberNerf for help, he noticed the shadowy hulk shove its arm through the small door and flail it around the trap door passage. The arm slid in as far as the shoulder and stuck in place. It retreated, then the other arm swam in, trying to pull the rest of the body through, but it got stuck once more. The thing stooped and glared at Ned. For the meantime he was safe since the thing could not reach him inside the passage for its sheer size.

Help! I'm stuck in the attic with a monster! Ned messaged.

Below, voices of his folks were rising in concern. "Ned, what's happening up there?" his dad's voice called.

"Ned, what kind of a game are you playing now?" his mom.

"It's not good for your lungs to shut yourself up there like that, Ned," it was Jessica trying to get her voice above the others.

His phone dinged and he read the reply. Was the monster there when you reached the attic?

Ned quickly typed, No, it came out of a mirror. It's big and it's wearing some kind of long sheath over its body. All I can see is a big black shape and it's got me trapped. The trap door is stuck and I can't get out. I saw what it did to one of the birds. Its touch is death!

"Oh, please, please, please! Do something. Tell me a way out of this place," he prayed aloud as he waited for the gamer to reply.

"Who are you talking to, Ned?" his dad called again.

"I'm trying to get help, dad!" Ned called back.

"Get help? What do you mean? Are you hurt?" his dad was worried.

"Ned, dear, if this is a joke, we've all had enough already," his mom called.

"Mom, is Ned playing with us?" he heard his little siblings say.

The CyberNerf window blinked and Ned read, Ghost Hunter Ned. Your only chance is to reach your weapon. Otherwise you will never beat the ghost monster you just described to us. If you can't get out through the trap door, there is only one other way out of there

Ned looked up from his screen in a wild burst of comprehension. The attic window! Of course!

Only if the shadowy thing wasn't blocking his way! Hope flared in him only to flop again.

The thing was tromping around in frustration right outside the knee-wall door. If only Ned could get past Mr. Burly Long-legs.

Ned concentrated on the movement of the shadow and then it flashed brightly in his head. It was risky, but worth a try.

I think I might have an idea, he typed back and shoved the phone into his pocket.

He flexed himself for action. This moment called for the Athletic Ned instead of Ned, the Ghost Hunter. He crouched like a cat ready to pounce. He was waiting, watching, holding his breath in steady rhythm. There might only be a single chance for him to do it and he must not miss. He wanted the shadow creature to loom right above the little door. It would do no good if it moved away into the attic.

Ned let out a shrill whistle. It did the trick. The thing stopped moving around and stood right where Ned wanted; hulking above the knee-wall, its legs astride the small opening. Without waiting a single breath, Ned shot forth and whizzed between the legs.

It was almost too phenomenal for the ghost as it jumped upward with surprise, like someone wanting to avoid a rat scurrying under their feet. At the same time it whirled with a strange gurgling yowl. Ned felt a flurry of hot wind as the thing's arm whipped past the scruff of his neck. He heard the frustrated snap of its fingers as they closed around nothing. Before the thing could fully do a volte-face and chase Ned, he was flinging himself at the egress window, pushing it open and swinging up onto the roof.

Just as Ned let himself slide toward the branch of the tree hovering by the eave's edge, the ghost frantically tried to grab him and failed.

Ned slid onto the branch and maneuvered his waydown to another branch below and then hopped over to the other side of the treeuntil he was looking at the window of his room. He thanked his good luck thewindow was open and leapt across.

Ghost Hunter: CyberNerf (Alternative Draft)Where stories live. Discover now