.~^{Chapter II - The Lunch scene}^~.

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A few hours forward during lunch, Xavier hurries out of class to be early in the cafeteria. Haru was trying to hurry to not be late and meet his best friend so they could eat lunch together, as they normal/ly do. Xavier knew Haru's daily schedule due to watching him weeks prior. He had planned for this day to come. He knew exactly what hallways Haru would go down, and which routes he'd take due to not wanting to be seen or approached by anyone. As Haruto raced down the hallway with books in in his arms, Xavier came out of nowhere and bumped into him, purposely, making Haruto's books crash onto the floor and causing Haru to fall, and be met with Xavier's tall figure when he looked up. Xavier made a worried expression and kneeled down, helping Haruto to pick up his books.

X: "Ah, I'm so sorry, Haruto. I shouldn't have been so clumsy."

H: "It's... it's okay... *he'd look at him*...I'm sorry, who are you again?"

Xavier internally smirks from Haruto asking that. He saw him as the cutest thing in the world.

X: "Ahh, sorry, I must have not introduced myself. I'm Xavier from class 2. We have the same 6th period together. That's the only reason I know your name, Haruto."

Xavier finished picking up Haruto's books, then slowly helped him up, returning his books to him.

H: "Ohh.... I've heard so much about you!"

Haruto's heart slightly started to race from nervousness.

H: *in head* He's so popular.. I can't believe he's talking to someone like me so nonchalantly.. I've heard so many odd rumors about him.... Some being that he is a vampire? But that's so silly. Vampires don't exist, right?*

Haruto took a moment to admire Xavier's features.

H: *in head* "no.. he couldn't be a vampire. The vampires I read about in my books are described as way scarier.. Although I will admit he is quite intimidating.... And not to mention... hot."

Xavier realized Haruto was staring for such an extended period of time, and raised an eyebrow.

Haruto quickly realized what he was doing and his face became hot and flushed.

H: "o-oh.. I'm sorry for being rude and staring... Xavier.. i ..i spaced out.."

Haru was covering his face with his books at this rate..

Xavier let out a snotty little chuckle.

X: "Am I THAT hot, haru~?"

Haruto covered his face even more. Xavier saw and started to chuckle a bit more.

X: "I'm just teasing you~.. Anyways, where were you headed to? I will walk you as a token of apology since I just made you late to wherever."

X: *in head* "I know damn well where he's going, but he doesn't need to know that. Heh."

H: "really? You'd do that for me?"

X: "Of course, I would."

Xavier ended the final sentence with a small devious smirk.

Xavier smirking made Haruto feel a... Certain way. But he tried his best to hide it.

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