"Praise be! The Astarties are here!"

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The battlefields shook under the might of the Orkish dakka, as it did just as much for the Imperial weaponry. The legions of Guardsmen protecting the city were slowly being cut up and blown to pieces by the brutish warfare.

A guardsmen who had lost her entire squad lay against the cold, blood-soaked, earthy walls of a trench. The explosions blew the dirt away all around her as she hugged her lasgun, holding it like a child would with their mother's arm, as if it would give her any security.

The Wahhgs grew closer and this solitary guardsmen was counting the seconds until her death. She peeked over the top of the trench, deciding she'd rather die fighting than hiding with her tail between her legs. "For the Emperor." She told herself as she watched the wave of orks ahead mutilate the last remaining  guardsmen.

"For the Emperor!" She shouted, as she aimlessly shot in the mass of Orks. Knowing even if she steadied her arm, it wouldn't matter. Nigh could she tell if she landed a shot, nor did she care, as she spent her last moments purging in the name of her Holy Emperor.

She froze as the ear piercing sound of orbital bombardment filled the battlefield. She looked up, expecting to see the white hot glow of exterminatus. Yet not did the Imperium give up hope, -Nigh did they fall back on their duties.

For the first time since her deployment, she looked to the sky and watched with a blissful happiness, watching, as the Astarties drop pods raced toward the ground. She smiled to her saviors, laying back in the trench as she held her side, gripping the blood soaked cloth of her uniform.

She laughed hysterically as she dropped her gun, the first of the drop pods hit not far from her. She smiled as the blade of the emperor, his Angles of Death, stormed the battlefield without hesitation.
"Praise be..." she laughed under her breath.
"The Emperor has smiled upon us!" She shouted to the sky, as if the galaxy could hear her cries.
"Praise be, the Astarties are here!" She yelled as hard as her wounded lungs would allow. She laughed to the world as she waved her Imperial crested helmet in the air, it wouldn't do her any good here.

She watched as the iron clad warriors of the Imperium drove back the lines of the barbaric xenos. Their green armor, tinted orange from the ashen skies, the only symbol of hope she had left. The pounding of the marine's power armor was all around her, she looked to her right to see a squad of marines passing over the trench. She smiled to them, giving the only thanks she could.

One marine stopped to kneel by the guardsmen, one near the brink of death. He could not have done anything, he waited by the guardsmen in their final moments. He held the dropped lasgun, the chipped Imperial crest, dirtied by the terrors of war. Putting it in her lap the marine felt pity, pity that this guardsmen was sentenced to death, that they may no longer enjoy the fruits of battle, to rejoice in the beauty of honor and glory.

But so was the Emperor's will, that this guardsmen had served their purpose. And that they shall lay to rest, a silent soul in the wake of an Angel of Death.

She put a hand to the barrel of the mechanicum's finest, realizing the beauty in what she had rued for so long.
"For.. the Emp~eror..." she breathed her final breath. The air of blood and grey skies, her final smells. The death of her comrades, her final sights. The horrors of battle her final sounds, and the grace, the honor of her duties to the Emperor... her final thoughts.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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Oneshots/Ideas Kinda?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ