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so this kid has two sibblings he has a younger sister (about 6-7 at this point) and mum is prgnyt with a baby but the dad keeps fighting the mum so the kid (probably like 13 here) has to comfort his lil sister and basically be a parent for her and eventually the paerents seperat and the mum gets the younger sister bc the law doesnt like dads in divorce cases

so the kid is left with his dad who isnt a bad person but makes a good few wrong choices
so the kid misses his lil sister a lot but he can't talk to him because the kid sister obciously doesn't have a phone and his mum absolutely refuses to answer the dad bc shes a douchey

so it's been about 4 years now and the kid is chronicaly online and mentaly ill
and the dad keeps trying to find a new wife but he has issues so he can't keep a relationsip so he's very frustrated about this so he's mean to the kid a lot which makes him feel iven worse so the kid starts talking to people online and eventuly finds out his mum has moved to America with his now 10/11 year old sister and the 4 year old sister he hasn't even met yet and doesn't even know the name of because the mums stupid and is amazing at holding grudges and then also finds out she's been saying that the dad lives by himself so he's like "oh dear fuck i've been forgoten. has my sister forgotten me too????" so now he's EXTRA depressed

and then eventuly his dad gets remarried (a year or two has passesd now so the kid is old enough to drink alcohol in the uk where this is set)

and he's like "ok, this is that woman's (his mum) last chance to show me that she isnt completely horrible" and he saves a seat at the wedding for her and the two kids, hoping theyll at the VERY LEAST call him (bc he has his own phone now and so does the 11/12 year old sister) and gues what??" she doenst.

so now he's rlly sad and he realises the woman his dad is marring looks A LOT likes his mum and he's like wtf dude. so he moves out and now he has roomates and that's where the song leaves it off at.

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